Chapter 1

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The Begin of my life, has been complete shit. My mom left my dad and I eight years ago. Since then my dad became an alcoholic. Drank his ass off every night for the past eight years. He could not keep a job, and he was always getting into trouble with people for losing bets. His gambling got so bad I had to dropout of high school in my junior year, to get two jobs to feed us. I work at a bar on main street. But mainly... I am a stripper. I know, I know. Poor life choice. I had to find a job, fast to pay the rent, feed me and my dad. My name is Jessie, I am Seventeen years old, and this is my life story.

It was 9:00 am in the morning, my alarm on my phone was going off. Just shut up already damn it I thought. Till t hit me, my eyes shot open. Crap! I forgot that I am taking over Mindy's shift at work this morning.

I jumped out of bed, my feet hitting the old itchy carpet. I ran over to my closet and got out my work shirt and skirt. Before walking out of my room I grabbed my hair brush from the dresser. Brushing my hair as I made my way out to the kitchen to get an apple from the fridge. No time for a decent breakfast unfortunately.

Of course, dad has passed out on the couch with his beer bottles covering the coffee table again. I ignored him and grabbed my keys, I don't have time to deal with him this morning.

I went outside and got into my 2007 Ford Toris, the front windshield had a huge crack in it from my dad. And the bumper had a dent I. It from when I got ran into as I was leaving the parking lot of the bar. As I drove to the bar, or my also known as my job, I ran threw 2 stop signs, not wanting to be late again. Probably going over the speed limit but it's alright.

As I pulled into the parking lot, Some old lady with her little rat dog walked out in front of me. I honked my horn at her and she flipped me off with her old wrinkly finger. Old hag used to be my preschool teacher. When I got inside my boss, Trey, was washing the counter with an old white wash cloth.

"You're Late Jess...Again" he said in a low tone and tired voice. Not looking up at me as he continued to washing off the counters. This isn't my first time being late, but Trey understands my situation. He knows how hard life is for me. And he helps out when ever he can. Probably the reason I'm not fired yet.

"I know I'm sorry I slept in! I was working late last night and I am really sorry. I forgot that I was taking over Mindy's shift." I apologize putting my stuff down in the back room where the lockers and employ bathrooms are situated.

"Don't worry about it, just get to work hun!" he yells from out front, I can just hear the smile on his face through his words. I walk over to the table slipping my waitress apron over my neck, tying the two strings in the back around my waist.

While I am getting my apron and name tag on, four guys came in walking in with leather jackets, they looked like your topical bad boy wanna be biker gang. They all sat down in a booth even though the sign next to the door clearly says, 'Wait to be seated'. I walked over to them to take their order. One of them whistled as I strutted over to them.

Unfortunately, I'm not aloud to make "rude and unladylike gestures with my fingers." So all I can do was flash a fake smile and take it like a complement. I give them each a menu, pulling out my notebook from my pocket so I can take the orders.

"Hi, I'm Jess, I will be your waitress this morning, Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" I ask.

One of the guys started "Well, we'll take four Pepsi's, unless you come on the list." then winks sealing his joke. His eyes slowly looking up and down my long legs and the way this shirt hugged my body tightly. The others couldn't help but to join in. I pretend to wright down their order. To be honest I have really good memory and I never use this note book. This pen I'm using doesn't even work.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now