Chapter 6

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I woke up that night in my bed again. I looked around. I notice that I was in a flannel jacket..... backwards? What happened this morning. I looked at my bed stand to see the clock say 1:22 am. Wow it's late.... or yearly? I turn on the bed stand lamp to see someone was on the couch in my room. I got up to see who is was. It was... Darren. I placed my hand on his shoulder. In the second we touched. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close, holding a knife in my face. I see his eyes glare into mine. He lets out a sign and release me.

" What the hell Jess." he said rubbing his eyes.

" Umm, I could say the same about you!" Bitch almost stabbed my face .

" It's a reflex, I can't control it."

" Oh," he sat up and I sat next to him. "So What happened this morning." I asked

" Oh yeah" he started to laugh. " Like I said Doll, you couldnt handle it. You got drunk and went crazy." I rubbed my face.

" How much did I drink?"

" 3...  4.... 8 beers." He said smirking. " We told you to stop."

" God damn it, why didn't you stop me " I say and look down at my backwards flannel. " Why... Why is this backwards on me" He started to laugh again. " Oh God, what... Tell me"

" You refused to keep your clothes on, and everything we put you in, you got out of. So I had the idea of buttoning the flannel backwards. And hey... I worked!" I covered my face from him. I was blushing soooo bad!

" Awww, Greys right. It is cute when you blush." he said smiling. " Makes you look innoc-"

" Shut up." I say hitting him in the arm. I walk over to the bathroom and shut the door. Darren probably heard the water running and went back to sleep. I washed my hair and the smell of moonshine off my body. I don't know why but I had a hole in my heart. Like something was missing, I wasn't happy. I wanted to feel his touch, I wanted to play with his hair. I missed his smile, his face, even his smell. I miss Grey.

After I got out of the shower, I went to bed and feel back asleep. I was then woken by the sound of the door opening a closing. I Didn't move, I looked at the bed stands alarm clock and it was 12:02 Am. I stayed perfectly still. My heart skipped a beat when I felt the bed sink. I feel arm snake around me and pull me close. I felt a kiss on my neck, it tickled so I let out a light giggle. I then rolled over to see Grey laying next to me. He gave me a smile and kissed my forehead. I returned his smile with one back. He snaked his other arm around me then pulled me on top of him. He then held me tight.

" I missed you Doll." he said in the crook of my neck.

" I missed you too" I said, After a few minutes of a tight embrace. I tried to sit up. Key word in that is tried. He just held me tighter. I tried again, his lips brushed my ear, causing shivers up my spin.
" mine," he whispered.
" I got to get up."

" Noooooooooo," he winned.

" I got to get up, Grey ."

" You.are.mine, and I tell you what to do, and you stay here." he pouted

" Uhhhhh , Grey!" I try again. He holds me tight and gives me a smirk.

" Say that again."He said in a seductive and playful voice . I froze after he said that. My face got really red. " Awww, now your blushes, what will she do next!" he says into my neck. I cover my face with my hands. I sit up still sitting on his stomach. He loosened his grip on my waist and sat up, He then kissed my forehead. 

" Get dressed we're going somewhere."

" Where?"

" It's a surprise." he smiled. God I hate surprises.

" Can you give me a hint." He pulled me closer, thinking that he would whisper it in my ear. I feel the brush of his breath on my ear.

" You're just gonna have to wait." I rolled my eye playfully and walked to the bathroom. I brushes my teeth and did my hair and makeup. I walked back out and got dressed. I got a pair of jeans with rips in the thighs and then I put on a tight TWENTY ØNE PILØTS t-shirt. I put on my black converse and walked down stairs. Grey was standing at the door, with keys in his hands.

" Ready"

" Yeah" I smiled. He held open the door for me and we both walked to the car. " So where are we going."

" I told you" he said starting the car. " It's a surprise." He started to drive down the road we came and drove passed town. We drove for a little bit till we pulled into a big house. Not as big as greys but still big. When we pulled up, there were about 6-7 little kids running around.

" Where are we?"

" My parents place doll." Oh my god he brought me to his parents place. He gets out of the car and opens my door. He holds out his hand, so I grab it. He walks me to the porch, when a little kid comes and hugs Grey's leg.

" Gway! Gway! Gway!"

" Hey Buddy!" he says letting go of my hand, and picking up the 4-5 year old boy. " Wow you gotten so big." It was heartwarming seeing him with little kids. You wouldn't think he would like kids. Still smiling the boy looks at me.
" Who she?"

" Dakota, this is Jessie. Jessie this is Dakota."

" Nice to meet you little man." I say.

" Are you. Are you Gway's wife?" He asked. I laugh and shake me head.

" No, i'm not his wife"

" His Gurl Friend?" Grey looks at me and winks.
" How about you go find some bugs in the dirt . Kay buddy." Grey said putting down the child.

" Ok Gway!" he says running off to the other kids.

" He seems sweet." I say. " Is he your brother."

" Yeah" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the front door. We walk in and there's like 10 people inside. Still ahold of me, Grey pulls me to the kitchen to meet a lady, pulling a ham out of the oven.

" Hi mom."

" Grey!" she says putting the ham down and hugging grey. " Its nice to see you. Oh and is this Jessie." I smiled she seemed nice.

" Yes it is, Jessie this is my mom. Sally." he says.

" It nice to meet you." I stick out my hand and shakes hers.

" Its nice to finally meet you, Grey talks about you all the time ." I look at grey and he's blushing!

" No,I don't mom"

" Of course you do! Remember we were just talking this morning and- " she states till Grey cuts her off.

" ANYWAY" I start to laugh. " Wheres dad."

" You know your father, he's probably out in the shed with his guns." she says stirring some kool-aid.

" Do you need any help Sally?" I ask.

" Oh, such a sweet girl, yes if you could get some plates out, that would be lovely." she says. I do as she says and get some plates out. I set them next to the cups and silverware. After that  everyone one got there food. I was so happy I got to spend time with Greys family, All except his dad. After lunch, I was on the couch sitting next to Grey one arm around me, and his free hand on my knee. Grey's little brother walks.Rubbing his eyes.

" Can I sit on you lap?" Dakota asks me.

" Sure little man." I say picking him up and setting him on my lap, he leaned on grey and his eyes got heavy.

" I think he like you." grey says playing with my hair.

" You think.." I reply.

" He's not gonna want you to leave." he says. I rest my head on his shoulders and look him in the eye.

" Don't worry i'm not leaving." I say smiling, Grey returned my my smile with a kiss on my forehead.


Yay! I got another chapter done. Please tell me what you think. I know it's not that good, but what can I say it's my first story!! Thanks for reading,

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