Chapter 3

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That night felt so amazing, I felt safe. Like when I was a little kid again. Before the alcohol, before the fight, when it was all perfect. I dreamt of mom making pancakes in the morning, and dad reading the morning paper, sipping his coffee. I miss these days, But that's all in the past, and where not in the past, were in the present. And were heading to the future. Wherever that is.

I wake up that morning from a kiss, from my so called '' Prince''. My eyes flutter to see that I was facing him all curled up in both his arms.

" Well good morning Beautiful." he says looking deep into my thoughts.

" Morning" I yawn.

" I didn't know you were the kind to snuggle," he asks smiling shutting his eyes.

" I'm not." I exclaim, rubbing my eyes.

" That's Not what you were doing last night. " he said in a mocking tone.

" Only in you dreams, Grey "

" I've told you, I don't dream about that," he says" And if you don't believe me" he pulls out his phone and opens it to his lock screen. To a picture of me sleeping and holding onto his chest,while he is holding me tight with one arm. OH MY GOD! HE TOOK PICTURES!! I start to blush and pull the blanket to my face. " You're blushing doll. " he said in a mocking tone.

" Shut up" I mutter into the blacket.

" Dont worry... I only took a few." he said getting up out of the bed. Exposing his muscular figure. As he puts on a pair of dark blue jeans, I try not to make it obvious that I'm not staring till he asked.

" Like what you see Doll?"

" yeah, sure"  I say in a sarcastic voice. He pulls a black shirt over his head.

" Well, get dressed, I'll have someone make breakfast" He exclaims, walking out into the hallway. He shuts the door, and I hear his footsteps walk down the hall.

I rub my eyes again and slide out if bed. Walking over to the dresser. Opening each drawer to find my clothes. I finally found my clothes in the last two drawers . I Put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I look at myself in the mirror and walk out of room. As i walk down the hall. I come across a room with no door. It had punching bags, weights and a couple of people. Huh , this must be the weight room. I see the guy from the bar , fighting with another guy. Fists were being thrown left and right. I watched until the match was over. After they stopped, the guy from the bar sees me in the door frame and smiles. He walks over to me with a smirk.

" Well good morning precious."

" Morning"

" I guess we never really meet, Im Darren"

" Nice to formally meet you Darren" I say leaning against the doorway. " I guess you already know my name."

" I do precious" I smile and roll my eyes.

" Well , Grey is waiting for me, I better get going" I say as I start to walk down the hallway.

" See ya doll." He says. I don't turn around but I show a smile. I get to the staircase and smell... SOMETHING AMAZING! I sprinted down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Three maids were cooking eggs, sausage, Pancakes, Bacon. My stomach started to scream for joy. I feel a pair of hands on my waist. I turn around to see Grey .

" Breakfast is ready" he takes my hand and leads me to the dining room. He then pulls out a chair for me to sit.

" Thank you"

" Pleasures all mine, you can have anything you want"

" It all looks so good" I put some eggs and sausage on my plate. I take a bite, it tasted sooo good. I look up to see Grey staring at me. I continue to eat , A few minutes later I look up again and he still staring. After i'm done I push the chair back and take my plate into the kitchen. I couldn't help but notice that Grey was checking me out. So i decided to tease him a little. I dropped my fork on the ground and bent over to pick it up. I could see Grey in the corner of my eye, he was smirking. Looking me up and down. I stood back up and I heard him whistle from the table. I turn to him a flash a smile. One of the maids took the plate from my hands. I thank her and she nods. I walk back in the room and I see Grey standing in the kitchen door frame.

" Full?" He asks.

" extremely"

" That's good" he says, I walk past him to the living room." Oh umm Jess , your dad called." my heart sank. I don't want to even think about that scum. I sit on the couch and look at my hands. I feel the couch sink next to me. I don't look up but I know it's Grey. I feel his hands playing with my hair.

" What did he say?" I ask.

" Well... he asked if you would like to have lunch with him today" I can't even begin to explain what i'm feeling.

" What did you tell him?" He takes my hand in his.

" I said that you would call him back to confirm." he said, he pulls me to him " you don't have to if you don't want to." Tear runs down my checks. He kisses my temple. " Is it really that bad here love? I didn't mean to frighten you."

" No... it's just that... I can't believe my own dad. My own dad, would sell me like he did. He'll probably be to drunk to answer the phone." I say, I curl up close Grey. " Beside after everything he's done. He doesn't deserve to lay on his ass all day and drink till he passes out." After that slipped out, I got really quite. All he did was hold me tighter.

" You don't have to see him if you don't want to. I would never make you do something you would want to do."

" what about coming here?"

" Ok , that was different, beside you love it here." He says holding my hand.

" Yeah, it is nice here." I say smiling.

" And you love me so you would never want to leave."

" Who said I love you Grey, I don't remember saying that." I say. He gives me a smirk.

" Oh doll , of course you wouldn't remember. You talk in your sleep." I start to blush.

" I do not." I say scooting away from him.

" Oh , Just like you don't like to snuggle with me." He gives me a wink. I hide my face with my knees. He starts to Laugh. " I love it when you blush baby doll."

" Stop" I say with my face still in my knees.

" I do... it makes you look so innocent, like you wouldn't do anything bad." I give him a glare. After his eyes connect with mine. He gives me a wink.

" I'm not innocent"

" Trust me, I can tell you're a good girl." he says

" Am not!"

" How..."

" I'm a 17 year old who works at a Bar during the day and dances at clubs at night. I pretty sure i'm not a good girl."

" Then tell me this doll, if you're not a good girl. Then how many guys have you slept with."

" ummm ... ..."

He looks away very amused and chuckles  , then he looks back to me. "Oh my god...  Your a virgin."


Thanks for reading!!!

Comment what you think. I know its bad but I like to hear what others think. Just dont be mean about it.

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