Chapter 28

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Greys Point of View.

I look down at my brother , he was my best friend. He would go fishing with me when I was 7. He Beat up kids that made fun of me. Shit he helped me get laid more than once. He was my hero , till that night.........

I didn't notice that I was crying till I felt Jessie's arms wrapped tight around me. I pulled her closer and hugged her back.

" I'm sorry jess, I didn't-" i begin , till she interrupts me.

" it's fine , I didn't mean to, I wasn't thinking. He just started talking about our child and my mom, and I couldn't take anymore." Tears start to run down her face.

" I love you Jess." I say

" I love you too." She says holding me tighter. I start to think in my head. Im going to be as protective of my child as my brother was of me. 


(This is what her belly looks like) 

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(This is what her belly looks like) 

( 39 Weeks) 

Jessie Point of view. 

These last few week have been a pain! Still craving Starbucks milkshakes. I  can't even walk up and down the stairs as easily as I could at 20 weeks. I've been only wearing sweatpants and tank tops for the last couple of day cause nothing of mine won't fit me. But the doctor said that she is healthy , and should be here within the week. I'M SO EXCITED!!

The perks are that we finally got baby's  room done! By we....I mean Darron, Grey, his Mom, and Melony. Melong and I pick out the colors and Sally ( Greys Mom) Help us pick baby brands to use. God I dont know where I would be without them.  They finished it last week and I was amazing. They had the closest full of clothes, the toy boxes full of toys, and the cabinets full of diapers. Thank GOD!

(Here is the Room)

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(Here is the Room)


We were even thinking about names. Grey said he would love anything I pick. Then Darren wanted to name her Prince Beyonce. Ha , Grey almost had a cow at that. I had already had a entire list of names I wanted for my kids when I was in middle school. Yea , I know, but what kid doesn't talk about their future husband's, house, and future kids, I know I did. Here is the list of what I picked for our future child. Im not really into the common names like Sophia, Emily, or Hannah. I barely like my own. So i went a little outside the box. 


It's September, 13, Me and Grey are sitting on the couch. Watching supernatural on Netflix, ha ha ... ass butt. But all of the sudden. There the baby decided to be a ninja and kick, Felt like she did a roundhouse kick. 

" Ahhhh!" I say grabbing my side of my inflated belly. 

" What's wrong! Is SHE COMING!! BREATH JESS BREATH!!!" 

" No..... She's just kicking." I say looking at Greys face. " Here Feel." I grab onto greys wrist and hold his hand over my belly. 

" Damn, My baby girl's an Ass kicker aren't you." he says to the baby, and leaving a kiss on my stomach. " You're gonna be beating up all the boys... And dont worry.. I'll lend you my ass-whipping knife too." he says whispering pretending to make it so I cant hear. I Let out a laugh at amusement. 

" Let mommy yup." I say pushing my self off the couch. " Mommy hungry." 

" What do you two want?" Grey says holding his hand out to stop me.... and the baby , i guess. "I'll get it . " 

" its fine, Im not helpless." I say walking into the kitchen and grabbed the peanut butter off the counter. I put too slices of bread on a plate and slathered them with peanut butter. 

" Mmmm, I want jelly, You want jelly baby.......Thats what I thought." I say to myself and the baby. I open the fridge and then I felt somthing weird. I felt wet? I looked down and saw that my water had broke. 

" Grey" I yelled from the other room. 

" Yea babe, you ok" he says , I see him in the cooner of my eye and look up at him. 

" My water just broke."


OMG, She having the baby. Please tell me which name you want out of the 4 listed, and please vote and share the story with your friends, neighbors , or even your pet cat. See ya later  my lovelies!!!

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