Chapter 2

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It felt like we've been driving for hours. I can't tell if we actually have been or it just seems longer because of the situation. I tried not to make to much eye contact with this stranger till we got there. Later on in the night, as the sun barley peeked over the horizon, we finally turned into a dirt road. That lead into a bundle of trees that were blocking any view of the road ahead. About a mile of twists and turns, the car pulled up to a huge Mansion.

Without turning my head, that was pressed against the window, I glanced over to the stranger. He started to gather his thinks as he prepares to get out of the car. I shut my eyes and pretend I was sleeping so I didn't have to talk to him, hoping he'll feel sympathy for me and let me sleep somewhere. Hopefully an empty room with a window that was on the first floor. I hear the doors unlock as the car was put in park. Instead of waking me up, he got out off the car and came around to my side, opened the door and snakes one of his arms behind my back. Then the other under the back of my knees. Lifting out of the car and towards the house.

" By the way, I know you're awake Jess," he said amused. I dont say anything. " Nice acting skills though."

"Whatever." I said annoyed. I wasn't trying to entertain him. I'm plotting my escape, but he doesn't need to know that. As he climbed the stairs. He turned his back to the door and opened the door with his elbow. Maneuvering us into the door as he walks in. I open my eyes, no longer pretending to sleep as I look around.

"I'm Grey by the way." He says playfully. I completely ignore his words, not caring.

" Nice place you have here, did you steal it or something" I ask. All he does let his lips pull into an amused smile.

" Or something" he nods not looking at me. He then sets me down and rests his hand on my lower back.

" Welcome home". He mutters, bring his face close to my collar bone. I could feel his hot breath on the skin of my neck. Pulling away from his grip, I tried to free myself from his arm. Which only caused him to pull me in tighter like a snake suffocating his prey.

" Don't be afraid of me" he whispered trying to sounds calm and soothing. I tried to move once more and he turns me by my hips to face him. My hands wrapped around myself for my own form a metal satisfactory.

" You listen here Jess, To make things as clear as possible.You live here now, you live her with me. I call the shots around here and there are rules you must follow. Or there will be consequences, got that?" he asked. His face was only inches away from mine. Looking slightly up at him as he towers over me: almost like he was scolding me like a dog. I nod my head in agreement.

"Ok, 1. You are not aloud to leave this place unless I say so.

2. You do as I say. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. If I authorized it, then that's what you must do.

3. You're not here to be a maid. Don't need to cook or clean up after others.

4. Don't get to friendly with any of the guys here. If they start to get to clingy to you. Tell me and I'll deal with it... Personally.

and lastly 5. Stay out of the basement. Thats all there is to that one. See, that isn't too many rules, is it?" I remember every word that came out of his mouth, but one thing stuck to my head. Why can't I go in the basement?

I shake my head and he smiles at me. Taking my hand and lifting it to his lips. He planted his lips on my knuckles and gave my hand a kiss.

" Our room is up the stairs. Take a right and it's the last door at the end of the hall." he says pointing up the staircase.

" Our room?" I ask confused.

"Did I stutter?" he chuckled. " Yes our room Jessie Vince." I was about to protest till two men, both really big with broad shoulders, came from the back door.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now