Chapter 33

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Adalind's Pov .
I say in the living room till dad came back, he had to stay in moms room till she feel asleep. Why is the name Aiden scare her so much. I was pulled out of my thoughts when my dad came in.

" Your mother is asleep, " he said as he walked in . He walked over to me and stood looking down at me. " Now , where did you her that name."

" at school" I answered ." From the new kid , he said he was the son of Aiden. "

After I manage to say that, I saw him tense up. What is with this flipping name.

" dad?"
No awnser .
" uh Dad?"
Still no answer.
" Earth to dad!" He finally snapped out of it.
" what?"
" Whose Aiden? And why is mom so scared of him?" I ask. Then I see dads fists tighten.

" That basted took your mother away from me." He said looking down .

" What like.... She was dating you but dumped you for-"

" He Kidnapped her Adalind . That's what I mean." He said plainly . Oh shit... " Why is not important, but you are not allowed to speak , look , or be around that kid . Specially alone." He said.
Greys POV.
I'm not going through this again. I'm not loosening my daughter, or  anyone to them again.

I didn't even now Aiden had an heir. Where the fuck did this kid show up.
----Later that Night---
It was about 11:30 , I was about to go to bed when Kat called.

........ Phone Call......
K- Hey Bitch
A- Sup slut
K - You busy
A- Nah , just bored. Why what's up.
K - Well there's a raid at the Docks. Wanna go check out some people? Have a bit of fun
A- I don't know... My dad probably wouldn't-
K- Addy... Come on . Your a 16 year old Bad Ass . You can make your own decisions.
A- ugh , ok fine . I'm guessing I'm picking you up too huh .
K- love ya Addy!
A-What ever loser , see ya there.
.... End of Call.....
I quickly and quietly got dresses. I walked down the stairs. When I got to the last step. I can hear some people in the kitchen. I slowly peeked around the coroner and saw some of dads new recruits for the gang , there like around 18-19. Shit . I notice the jeeps keys are on the counter. I slowly crawled around to the other door to the kitchen. making sure not to make a sound.  I slowly grabbed reached on the counter and felt around for the keys. Then I felt someone grab my arm.

Well Shit Sticks.

. I stand up and see the 4 guys looking at me . Including the one holding my arm.

" And who might you be dearest?" Said one of them.

" Adalind. I'm one of Greys kids." I awnsered. He quickly let go of me.

" Oh sorry , we're new . So we don't know anyone's faces yet." He said with. Smile. Great he doesn't know I'm not soposed to up right now.

" it's ok , I forgive you." I say grabbing the keys, running out the kitchen.

........... Time skip.......
We finally made it to the docks . And it is crowded! We walked around for a little bit . Till Kat got thirsty, and wanted to go to the ' king cobra's bar' . To get something to drink. When we got inside we and sat down, a lot people kept looking at us. Probably cause we're pretty young.

" Can I get you lady's somethings" the bar tender asks.

" Just two cokes please." I ask.

" Your not gonna show me a fake ID to get beer?" He says handing us our drinks ." That's a first. You know what for your honesty, drinks are on the house." He says with a smile .
Fuck Yeah  
After a few songs passed, one of Kats favorite songs came on. ' Go little Bad Girl' ( I actually love this song btw) .

" OH MY GOD ! We have to dance!" She says dragging me on the dance floor .
So we start led dancing. It was amazing lights were flashing, and the music was blaring. Then I feel a hand on my hip. I spin around and a pretty cute guys is smirking at me.

" I like your moves." He says

" thanks" I say with a smile.

" You here with anyone ? " he asks lifting an I brow. Still with a smirk plastered on his lips .

" Yeah with my Friend" I say turning around to see Kat not there. Oh shit. That's when I feel something stab into my arm. I spin around and hold my arm.

" Hey . What the fuck." I say glaring at the dude. Then the lights and the music start to get alit slurry.

" Shhh , just sleep kitten." With that I fall into darkness.
Oh shit ,
What gonna happen to Kat and Adalind!!!
Love ya guys so much , thanks for the comments and the votes!!!

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now