Chapter 22

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Jess POV

" Protection." he said under his breath. with his face in his hands.

" What protection Grey."

" We didn't use it."

" What are you-" Then I see what he means. " Oh."

" Yeah......." Then It was all quiet for way too long ,very awkward. Grey brake the silence by getting in the Bathroom drawers. He shuffles around for a little bit and he pulls out a little box and hands it to me. " I'll be in the living room. Ok? " I nod and take the box. He kisses my forehead and leaves. 

I use the test and put it in the sink. I put my back against the wall and slide down slowly. 

What have you gotten yourself into now Jess. 

I thought to myself over and over. What if i'm not pregnant then we'll just go back to our normal lives. I'll be with Grey, and he will lead the gang and keep searching for Aiden. I haven't heard from him, so thats good. 

David was taken down into the basement and was beat. Took a week, but  He spilled the location of Aiden's gang house and some of his warehouses after Darren branded him with metal pole. I don't like that he did that , but Grey said it had to be done to keep me safe. After he told them, they shot him and cut of his hands. Put them in a box with a note that said 'Hands off whats Mine ' and sent it to one of their warehouse. It's cruel really, I would have never even thought of doing anything near to that. 

Back to Grey and me, But what if I am Pregnant.  What will Grey do? Will he make me lose it for the safety of the gang. Or will he be mad and leave me? I hold my head in my hands while my mind is racing with all the possibilities of what could happen over the next 8 minutes.  I looked at at the clock on the wall and Its been 5 minutes. I take one final deep breath and stand up. I walk back over to the sink and pick of the test. Shaking in my skin I read the test. My heart sinks in my chest.

" Positive" 

After I had a minute to catch my breath. I open the door to the bathroom . To see Darren and Grey talking. Probably talking about how to get rid of my dead body, or somthing like that. Im freaking out. I take a deep breath and walk over to grey, He looks at me and I look at Darren and then back at Grey. Where all sharing looks, trying to read our emotions. Grey wants to know........ 

Well her goes nothing.

" Grey............" I say quietly. 

" yeah."He says standing up from the couch 

" I'm pregnant."


" Y-you're pregnant?!" Darren says with a shocked look on his face. I nod slowly, and give a fake smile. Still Not knowing what Grey things about the situation. I look back at Darren and he has a smirk on his face. " So you too have been doing the Naughty" he says wiggling his eyebrows. "So  that what i've been hearing!" 

I bite my tongue and hold back the smile. God i'm as red as a tomato. I look down at Grey and he is smiling at Darrens comment. 

" Nothing gets by you, does it Darren." he says.

" What could I say.... I got spidey senses" Darren says. 

" so...." I say " Now what Grey." He turns to me and he drops his smile. 

" What do you mean." 

" I want to know what you think." I say. " Are you going to to be there for it!" Grey looks at me with shock. He turns to me and pulls me close. 

" Of course, I will be there for it. Someone's gonna have to teach it to shoot a gun." He says smiling. I smile at his comment. What was I so worried about it. " I will love it, and I will still love you Jess." 

" Boy or Girl?" I ask 

" Boy" Grey says 

"Boy"  Darren says after.

" Well I want it to be a girl." I say. 

" Were already putting bets on the child! This kids gonna be badass!" Darren says with excitement.Oh Darren, but he's right. A Gang Leader For a daddy... this  kid is gonna be a badass. 

I just cant wait till it gets here....



What gonna happen next. OOH how nows!! Yay. Thanks for reading btw. Don't forget to vote ,share the story with you friends and family. and hey ... leave a comment , tell me what you this what you think!! I will update as soon as possible. Bye my lovelies!!! 

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now