Chapter 26

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* If you tell grey, you both come with me, born or not.

*and Your family will be brought into this."

" All I have left is my dad. And you can have him." i says pulling myself from his grip. And walking to the door.

" Well the only family that you know of...." I stop and turn to him smirking.

" What the hell you talking about." I say slutting the cracked door. He chuckles at me and walks over to me. He bends down so his head is next to my ear. And the he whispers words that could shatter glass.

" I know where your mom is Jessie." 

" My moms been gone for all my life, so do fucking bring her into this!" 

" What a shame, You know this isn't the first time you daddy owned money to someone-." 

" What are you talking about you pig..." i said. His smirk drops, and he walks over to me, towering me. 

" I wouldn't be talking to the only person that has connection to your mother. Anyway, she didn't leave . It wasn't her intention. She was sold....." 

My dad is gonna pay dearly for what he has done to my life.........

" To whom." I mutter. 

" One of my allie gangs." he said smiled like he won the lottery. " Its nice place. Well taken care of she is." 

" Bring her back!" 

" Agree to my terms and I'll consider..." He smiles evilly.  

" Agree on this!!" With that I bring my gun outta my purse and shot him in the chest. His body drops to the floor. 

Oh shit.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now