Chapter 10

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I decided to make this chapter Greys point of view. he he he 

Plz tell me what you think at the end



OK, Does everyone remember this then.......

 his phone went off. He sighs and answers his phone.

" This better be important...... Wait what?........ No, That can't be ... NO IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" Grey stands up and is now pacing ,listening to the phone. I sit up, keeping my eyes on him.

" Ok...... I'm on my way. See ya when I get there." He hangs up the phone and looks at his feet.

" Everything... ok?" I ask, he doesn't look up.

" No" He mutters," No, everything's not ok." He walks over to the dresser and opens the top dorer. He shuffles around till he pulls out a gun. He checks the clip and puts it in his pants.

" You're going to stay here with Darren, I need to tie up a loose end." He says walking over to me, brushing a pieces of hair behind my ear.

" What kind of loose end." I ask looking into his eyes.

" Don't worry about it" 

OK.... All caught up. Well you better be. This is after he left, Back to the story my Lovely's!!!!!!



I walked out of the house.

Someone was pulled out front wait for me. I climbed into the front seat to see Charlie in the drivers seat .  A Good gang member who's been with us from the beginning. 

" Is it ture" I asked, " Is my Brother back."

Charlie sighs before answering. 

" We got a call from him about 15 minutes ago. Saying that he had your father, But I was with your father when he called so I called him out on it. He then sent a picture of one of are gang house not far from your place. So we got some guys down there, They say they found a man, and he's in there care as we speak." 

"Ok...." I sigh. " Let's just.... just get this over with." 

Charlie drives off. All I can do is think about my Princess, Jess. I can just hear her beautiful laugh. smell her sweet... sweet sweet scent of vanilla and roses. And feel small hands intertwined with mine." 

We get there and about five of my men were standing around one of our armored cars. We get out a walk over to them, Leaving the headlights on so we can see. we walked over to them. 

" Where is he"

" In the back.." One of the guys said. 

I run over the the trunk and open the back. There is a man dressed all in black, with a bag over his head. I pull him out and rip the bag off his head. 

..... it's not him. 

It was one of my brothers stupid rouge friends. He looked at my face and smirked. Rage from my stomach started to bowl. 

" Where is he!" i shout slamming him into the car. He just started laughing. 

" What!" I screamed.

" She's pretty by the way.... Is she good? Boss said we can all have a hit at her." He said smirking and then gave a wink. Oh HELL NO! I pulled a gun out of my pocket and held it to his head. Charlie pulled me off him as the other guys held him so he wouldn't get away. 

" GREY GREY GREY, He's messing with you." 

I looked at him and then back at Charlie.OH MY GOD

" This.....This was a setup. He.... if he's not here, he must be.... Jess."

I run for the car, and got in the drivers seat. Right as I turned on the car my phone went off. 

Picture Message from UNKNOWN.

I opened it to see a picture of jess passed out in, what it seems to be a car. 

I Punch the car's window next to me and it cracks. 

" I'm coming for you Jess... Aiden you better be ready." 


OH Shit. What's gonna happen, Thanks to Gabymc34. I decided to post again cause she wanted me too. Thanks for reading!!! I hoped you enjoyed it. It was a change trying to do it from Greys point of view, but fun!! 


My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now