Chapter 4

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Before you read there is a bit of language in this.

Just a heads up.


" Am not!" He gives me a look, he can tell that i'm lying.

" Ok, fine you caught me." I say, I look at him and he looks at me seems quite pleased to know my secret. " That doesn't mean I wouldn't do anything bad." After I said that he looked up at me with a smirk.

" Oh really," he says, putting his hand on my knee. " Does this make you nervous." I shrugged. He gives me a look in shock. " Ok what about this," He pushes me down to my back and crawls on top of me. My heart skips a beat. I dont say anything and shake my head. His hands are on my hips. I feel his hands slip up slowly under my shirt.

" I can feel your heart racing Jess," he says whispering in my ear. He was so close I can feel his lips brush against my ear. Then I hear a voice ask.

" Ummm....... Is this a bad time" Grey jumps off me and we both sit up to look who was asking. Of course it had to be Darren.

" What do you need Darren." Grey says rubbing his eyes.

" We found a few shine smugglers in the seller, there outside."

" How many?"

" Your lucky number, six "

" There persistent"

" No kidding, What do you want me to do with them?" Grey looks at me and then back a Darren.

" You are going to take Jess in town. I'll deal with the others."

" Wait, why do I have to go in town?" I ask. He looks at me and holds my hand.

" Well, you gotta go talk to your boss, and you were going to have lunch with your dad."

" I didn't agree to that Grey." He kisses my forehead.

" Don't you think you should?" he says, " He is your dad you know."

" After everything that thing did to me, I don't think of him as my dad."

" We'll talk about that later, but you are going to talk to your boss. He left like 4 or 5 messages on your phone."

" Ok fine, let's go Darren."

" Yeah! Rode Trip!" He says grabbing the keys.

" Let me go put some clothes on first though." I say walking up the stairs. I came back down with Black skinny jeans, and a black tube top with angel wings on the back. I got in the truck and we drove to town. We got to the bar and Trey was yelling at some guys. 

" Get the Hell out of my bar!"

" I didn't do anything, besides she was asking for it. Teasing with those long legs of her's. "says the guy, I see one of my coworkers ,Bonnie, crying behind Trey.

" I'm not asking again, GET THE HELL OUT!!" I get behind the bar and grab the shotgun. I cock it then walk in between Trey and the other guy.

" Get outta here before I blow your Balls off" I say looking up at the guy .

" Jessie, I can handle this." Trey says putting his hand on my shoulder.

" No, let's see what little Jessie can do." says the guy. He was much much bigger than me. I put my hand on his check lightly and flutter my eyes, he smirks at me.

"That's more like it Doll face." He says with a smirk.

That when I hit him in the balls with the butt of the shotgun. He bends over in agony, I then kneed him in the face and shove him out the door. I walked over to Trey, when he took the gun from my hand and went to go put it back.

" Where have you been Jess."

" Long story"

" Well Maybe you should call or something. We were all weird sick about you Jess! Your dad came looking for you saying that he messed up. And that you were probably dead." I look down at the ground and then back at Trey. " What Happen?!" I look back at Darren and then at Trey.

" Well my dad owned someone money and..."

" He didn't... Don't tell me he sold you!"

" Kinda yeah, But i'm fine!! Really"


" Grey, he's-" Trey cut me off.

" Are you ok, did he hurt you." Man he was really worried. Darren walked behind me and butted in.

" She's fine, as you can see."

" Butt out Boy, I've kicked you out of this bar multiply times, I won't hesitate to do it again." I look back at Darren and he just smiles and shrugged.

" Its ok hes a friend , and I didn't mean to scare anyone,I promise."

" Alright, just promise me, stay safe." Trey says rubbing the back of his neck. " Oh and go talk to your dad, he's really shaken up." I look at Darren and roll my eyes. Why does everyone keep saying that. I rub the back of my neck and sigh.

" Fine, Let's go see my dad." I say walking to the door.

" Stay safe Jess." I hear Trey call out. I get into the truck and Darren drives us into the house.
" You want me to come in, or wait here." Darren asks.

"  Stay here for about five minutes, then come knock at the door. I don't want to end up talking to him for long." He  nods and I get out, I walk up to the door. I reach for the door , and turn the doorknob slowly. I walk in and of course who's on the couch sipping beer, the one and only. He looks up at me about a minute after I walk in the door.

" Hey sweetie"

" dad " I shut the door.

" You're looking well"

" Wish I could say the same"

" Hey don't get an attitude with me, I did nothing wrong." Did he really just say that, Did he really! Oh hell no.

" Nothing wrong... Nothing wrong! Yeah nothing wrong with selling your Only daughter to a gang leader!" I yell. He stands up and gets in my face.

" I had too , God you're just like Mairi, ungrateful and selfish!"

" DONT TALK ABOUT MOM LIKE THAT!" I yell and flip the coffee table spilling 4 or 5 beer bottles. He takes the back of his hand and swings it across my face.

" Ah!" I cry out.

I fall to the floor, my face red from his hand. He then picks up a bottle from the floor and raises it to the air.

" Selfish Bitch!" Then my dad hits me on the head with the bottle, and my vision goes black.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now