Chapter 11

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" Im guessing my little brother Grey didnt tell you he had a brother..."

What.... he... he had a brother? I stay silent.

" Oh, so he hasn't told you about me..... what a shame. He probably wouldn't mind if I just kept you for a while... for safe keepings." he said winking at me. He put his arm through the cage and stroked my cheek.

" Ass hole." i mutter

" No, Jess... You can call me Aiden."


OK , i'm sorry i haven't updated for so long. But i'm here now. So back to the story!!!


I look up at him with a glare that could cut diamonds, this bastard. But the same questions ran threw my head over and over. Why was I here, Why did he take me. Why am I craving so chilly cheese fries right about now... wait what?

" So, Aiden" I sighed " Why am I here exactly?" 

" Hmmmm why are you here?" he asked himself  while stroking his imaginary beard. " Oh yeah." he snapped his fingers. " You, my dear jess, are the key to my brother suffering." 

I raise my eyebrow. " who the what now? " 

" I spare you from having to listen to my pitty sob story and get to the point. He was the favorite, He got all the attention from dad. He got the FUCKING GANG.... and what did I get? Nothing." 

" You kidnap me and tied me up in a cage, because you have mommy daddy issues?" 

" Thats not the reason your here ,no. If it was just that I would have killed my baby brother already and taken the gang by force. Oh no, you're here to let him feel the same pain and suffering, that I felt for years." He said Getting a throwing knife out of his back pocket and playing with it between his fingers. 

God, he's lost his marbles didn't he. 

" Family Issues much," I said under my breath. "So why am I here then." 

" Eager aren't we? Well, You are nearly a sample for  Grey. A taste test for him." He said looking slowly down my body . Creep Much?!?!" You're going to be a taste of his own medicine, Like the time When HE stole the one I love from me!" He yelled. 

" An Eye for an Eye...... A girl for a girl."  he said pointing at me with the knife. 

Well shit, He's gonna kill me. I guessing I said that out loud or he saw the look on my face.

" Dont worry Princess." UGH THAT NICKNAME!!" I'm not going to kill you , What kind of gentleman would I be if I did that ? That would nearly be a waste." 

A waste of what? I gave him a confused look. 

" We have are own little Gang here, The Rebel Race, and I am the leader if you would asoom." He said opening the cage." And sooner or later. I'm going to need a heir to carry on my little arrangement and Feud with my brothers gang." 

Is he saying what I think he saying?

 He pulls me to my feet with my arms still bound. And holds my arm tight and starts walking to the stairs. 

Then he whispers in my ear, I can feel his breath on my neck

" I want you, Jessie Vince, to carry my child and rule The Rebel Race with me." 



Thanks lovely for reading. This book is so fun writing. Next chapter I might put pictures of what the characters look like so we all know who is who . Anyways I love you all and I will update as soon as I can. 


My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now