Chapter 12

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" We have are own little Gang here, The Rebel Race, and I am the leader if you would asoom." He said opening the cage." And sooner or later. I'm going to need a heir to carry on my little arrangement and Feud with my brothers gang."

Is he saying what I think he saying?

He pulls me to my feet with my arms still bound. And holds my arm tight and starts walking to the stairs.

Then he whispers in my ear, I can feel his breath on my neck

" I want you, Jessie Vince, to carry my child and rule The Rebel Race with me." 


Yea that happened. Ok and here's a Recaps on what happened with Grey. 


" She's pretty by the way.... Is she good? Boss said we can all have a hit at her." He said smirking and then gave a wink. Oh HELL NO! I pulled a gun out of my pocket and held it to his head. Charlie pulled me off him as the other guys held him so he wouldn't get away.

" GREY GREY GREY, He's messing with you."

I looked at him and then back at Charlie.OH MY GOD

" This.....This was a setup. He.... if he's not here, he must be.... Jess."

I run for the car, and got in the drivers seat. Right as I turned on the car my phone went off.

Picture Message from UNKNOWN.

I opened it to see a picture of jess passed out in, what it seems to be a car.

I Punch the car's window next to me and it cracks.

" I'm coming for you Jess... Aiden you better be ready." 




Jessie's POV

" I want you, Jessie Vince, to carry my child and rule The Rebel Race with me."

 I Put my hand on his chest and gave him a flirty smile. I leaned in so my lips were inches from his. He smirked and leaned in to. I let these words slide off the end of my tongue. 

" I will not, or will ever give you a child. and I promise when I tell you this... You can all can go crash and burn, before i would be apart of your Oblivious gang!! I am a... and allways will be apart of grey's family. SO YOU CAN GO TO HELL!!!

He looked at me in shock and I ripped out of his grip and walked over to the stairs. Till he grabbed my arm and through me to the floor. 

" You're going to be a Rebel wether you like it or not!!" He picks me up but my hair and walks me up the stair. I Screamed at the Pain. We made it up the stairs and there were tons of people in the what it appears to be a living room. 

" Four, Jackson, Derek! Watch her, I got to go take care of somthing." He says and throws me on to one of the guy's lap. He looks at me with a glare. " And you, Behave, i'll be back tonight and you better be in bed, Or else." 

" What if she doesn't behave." One of them say while messing with my tank top strap on my back. 

He looks at him then down at me with a smirk. He gave a chuckle and answered." Punish her." 

He then walks grabs his jacket and walks out the large front doors.

I try to stand up off of one of the guy's lap but the other one grabs my shoulder and pushes me down. 

" Wow wow wow, babe what's the rush" he said not taking his hand off my shoulder." Is Jackson lap not comfy enough." 

I give him a glare. " Oh come on babe, don't be like that." he looks up from me over to the other one standing," Derek go get some beers from the fridge." 

" Hell Yeah!" He says jumping over the back of the cough. So i'm guessing four is the one standing with his hand STILL on my shoulder, and i'm sitting on Jackson. Jackson puts his hand on my leg and pulls me closer to him.  Soon enough Derek comes back with a six pack of beer. They each grab one and take large drinks of them. Four looks down at me with question.

" What you don't drink?" Four asked

" No" 

" What?! why not?" he asks 

" I don't like it" 

" What do you mean' you don't like it'." then his look changes and he lifts his eyebrow." If you don't mind me asking, How old are you anyway?" 


" 20" 

" Are you serious, you can pass for a kid still in high school." he said taking another drink of his beer. 

" Wait, Didn't  Aiden say that her dad had a kid still in high school. " Derek says snaking a arm around my waist. Probably so I don't try to get up. 

" Oh yeah" four says looking down at me. " And he said that you were an only child." 


He bent down so he was only inches away from my face. 

" Lying isn't nice kitten" he said then a smirk came over his face." So tell me... How... Old... Are.. You? " 

I gulped and then looked down. 

" 17" 

" See now that wasn't so bad now was it." 

Derek's arm gets tighter and then I feel a hand grab my ass. 

I slapped his hand and looked at Derek.

" Hands off Perv!" 

In a second, Derek had changed are positions and I was on my back on the couch with him sitting on top of me. 

" Or what kitten?" He then put his head in the crook of my neck and started to kiss me. I tried to get out from underneath of him .But he grabbed my arms with his hands. the others just smirked and drank their beers. 

I felt so.. helpless. I miss him, I Miss his touch, I miss his laugh. I love him. I love you Grey. 

Grey.... Please.... help me. 

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now