Chapter 8

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Before I Continue, So sorry about the wait. I've had a lot of things on my plate, and i've been so busy. I now i promised to update sooner. Sorry again, But I tried really hard on this chapter. Hope you all like it.Thanks for reading!!


We ended up leaving his parents house, we drove home and it was really late when when we got home. When we walked in the door. Grey picked me up and through me over his shoulder.

" Hey! What are you doing?!"

" Nothing." He said laughing.

" Put me down Grey!" I yelled

" hmmm.........No" He replied.I started to hit his back ,then smacked his butt. But after I did that, He returned that with him squeezing my butt.

" Hey!" I squealed.

" Get what you give baby doll." He say with a grin. He walks up the stairs and into our bedroom. He sets me on the bed and climbs on top of me, kissing my neck.

" I didn't give you this?" I said trying to hold in a moan.

" yet... just you wait." He says into my neck. I was really enjoying this... till his phone went off. He sighs and answers his phone.

" This better be important...... Wait what?........ No, That can't be ... NO IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" Grey stands up and is now pacing ,listening to the phone. I sit up, keeping my eyes on him.

" Ok......  I'm on my way. See ya when I get there." He hangs up the phone and looks at his feet.

" Everything... ok?" I ask, he doesn't look up.

" No" He mutters," No, everything is not ok." He walks over to the dresser and opens the top dorer. He shuffles around till he pulls out a gun. He checks the clip and puts it in his pants.

" You're going to stay here with Darren, I need to tie up a loose end." He says walking over to me, brushing a pieces of hair behind my ear.

" What kind of loose end." I ask looking into his eyes.

" Don't worry about it, I should be back soon. I'll text you later, and if anything happens. Call me, and I'll come straight home." I nod. He kisses my forehead. Then kisses my lips. He walks to the door, when I break the silence.
" I love you Grey." I say. He stops and looks back at me.

" I love you too Jess." He says, I can tell he's about to cry. It hurts me to look at him like this. Darren walks in after Grey exits the room.

" Me and some of the guys are going to look around the house. Jakes down the hallway if you need him." He says, I don't give him a  verbal answer, just a nod.After he leaves I barrey my face into my pillow. Till I hear my phone beep. I wipe off my eyes, and look at my phone. A message from an unknown number.

. Hey Jessi Boo ; ).

Who could this be. I reply.

. Grey?.

. No babe, Greys not here.

What the hell? My phone dings again.

. Nice shorts doll ; ) , I have always enjoyed long legs.

Ok this is getting weird. I look around, nobody's here. I stand up and look out the window. It's dark out.  Nothing's out there. I Look at my phone again after it beeps.

. I see you, but can you see me??.

I look out the window again, I almost drop my phone. I see a figure of a man outside the house. Standing there looking up into the house. He had a black hoodie on witht the hood up so I could see his face. He just stood there. This can't be happening. I shut the curtains and and run over to the wall to shut off the lights. My phone goes off again. I bit my lip to stop it from shaking and open the message.

. Aww, babe, Teasing is never nice . But the real question is... Are you coming out or am I coming in?.

I don't answer, I was so scared. Tears run down my face. Where is everyone!!!

My phones goes off again.

. Guess i'm coming in doll face. Ready or not, here I come .

I'm freaking out. I run for the bedroom door. When I open the door. Darren was about to come in. Thank god.

" Darren ! someone's in the house"

"Where!" . He asks

" Hes was outside, I don't know he is now" I take a deep breath, " I'm scared Darren."

" Its ok, come on, We got to get outta here." He grabs my hand and leads me to the back door, we run outside to a black van. " Get in." He opened the door and I hope in. Darren shuts the door, and heads to the drivers seat. But then a man comes up behind him and hits him with a bat. Darren falls to the ground out cold.

" DARREN!" I scream. Then someone was in the van and cloth over my mouth... my field of vision went black.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now