Chapter 15

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Grey's POV.

He thinks that I took Carly from him. 

" Charlie get in the fucking Car!" I yelled.

Charlie runs to the car and gets in the passenger's seat. I Floor it, and turn around. I'm coming Jessie Hold on. I throw Charlie my phone. 

" Call Darren and see where the fuck he's at!" I said . " and put it on speaker." 

Charlie dials his numbers and calls it. 





No Answer. 

I see the house, as I pull up I see the front door open. I don't even shut off the car, I just jump out and run inside. Seeing that the place is trashed. I run upstairs. I burst through the doors of our bedroom and see that everything is messed up. 

She's not here.

I Looked on the dresser to see the picture I had of her snuggling with me is ripped, It was only me, he took  the other half. He will pay dearly for this, I don't care what it takes , i'm getting her back. 

I run down stairs and Charlie has Darren on the sofa, he's knocked out. It looked like he was hit with a somthing. 

" Find anything." I ask 

" Pictures smash, glass shattered, Moonshine seller barrels destroyed, and One of our armed cars are gone. " he says pointing to the broken windows and shattered pictures. 

" Where was he?" 

" On the ground next to where the car was." 

 I was about to say somthing, but then I saw Darren move. 

" Darren! Darren Wake up." I said shaking his arm. " Damit Darren Speak to me." 

He lets out a groan and sits up holding his head.
" God what hap- JESS! Shit, Grey  they took her! THEY TOOK HER!!" 

" Who!" 

" I don't know, I went to go check on Jess when she started to panic, saying how People  was outside or how someone was in the house." I said holding his head." Since I didn't have any back up, we ran to one of the cars. I didn't want her hurt. But when she got in the car. Something hit me...and thats all I remember...... I'm sorry grey." 

" It's ok, We're gonna get her back"

 I look up at charlie," Even if we have to kill my brother to do it." 

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now