Chapter 16

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" Where was he?"

" On the ground next to where the car was."

I was about to say somthing, but then I saw Darren move.

" Darren! Darren Wake up." I said shaking his arm. " Damit Darren Speak to me."

He lets out a groan and sits up holding his head.
" God what hap- JESS! Shit, Grey they took her! THEY TOOK HER!!"

" Who!"

" I don't know, I went to go check on Jess when she started to panic, saying how People was outside or how someone was in the house." I said holding his head." Since I didn't have any back up, we ran to one of the cars. I didn't want her hurt. But when she got in the car. Something hit me...and thats all I remember...... I'm sorry grey."

" It's ok, We're gonna get her back"

I look up at charlie," Even if we have to kill my brother to do it." 


I woke up to feeling cold hands.

I tried to keep my breathing steady so it would appear that I would be sleeping. He pulled me close and tightened his grip.

God Grey where are you.

A tear rolled down my cheek and onto the pillow. A sob left my lip.

" Jess......."

" please...... let me go"

He turned me around so I was facing him." I only wish it could be, but your brother had to rape and kill my girl.... my wife." he tighten his grip.

Grey raped and killed his wife!?!

" You know, You remind me so much like her, your smile.... Your laugh...... Your touch." he said petting my side.

" But I promise, it will be much more fun here then it will be there. Trust me Kitten." he said kissing my neck. 


2 Weeks later. 

Jess POV. 

It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Grey. I'm losing it. Aiden only lets me wear either shorts and tanks tops or large Tshirts. Hes crazy! I have to dance for him all the time and he love it. A lot of times when I wake up Aiden is is the office. For the last few days he's been working all day so I don't have to look at him.  

I was in our room playing with my hair when someone walked in. 

" Aiden said I get to take you into town, You have 2 hours to do whatever you want " 

sweet a free day 

" Im david, Get dresses and be outside in 10 Minutes. I'll be in the car" 

I get a short black skirt and a white tank top, then I put a jean jacket over it and put some black high tops on. I ran out into the hallway and I run into my worst nightmare. 


" You look hot Kitten" he says putting his hands on my waite. " Behave and listen to David."he says kissing me on the lips. 

" Yes sir" i say a walk away. running outside to where David has the car running. We drive into town and I told him to go to Bridgeway Mall. 

As we get there, I walk into a store for less than 10 minutes and I come out and David is making out with some random girl. 

" David.... David..... DAVID!" 

" umm , What? " 

" Let's go?" 

" No baby, stay with me" the girl wined. 

" ok, Jess stay in the Mall, I will know if you leave.If you do, you can answer to Aiden.  Meet me back here in 2 hours. Got it!" 

" Yes Sir" 

I walk away and I can hear them kissing, ugh GROSS!!! 

I walked into this Tattoo shop called 'Pit Bull's Tats and Rings' they sell and type of body art or piercing. I walked in and went for the belly button rings.  I looked around for a while and didn't find any I like so far. I went around the corner and by accident ran into someone. 

" I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. " 

The guy turns around and my heart drops. 


My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now