Chapter 29

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Hey Guys! So I'm barrowing my moms computer and I decided , hey, lets update for old time sake. Again so sorry that I haven't updated. And Thanks you ALL so much for the comments and the votes! I love you all so much! Ok, imam stop talking. Lets get back to the story.

____________ Recaps_______________

" Let mommy yup." I say pushing my self off the couch. " Mommy hungry."

" What do you two want?" Grey says holding his hand out to stop me.... and the baby , i guess. "I'll get it . "

" its fine, Im not helpless." I say walking into the kitchen and grabbed the peanut butter off the counter. I put too slices of bread on a plate and slathered them with peanut butter.

" Mmmm, I want jelly, You want jelly baby.......Thats what I thought." I say to myself and the baby. I open the fridge and then I felt somthing weird. I felt wet? I looked down and saw that my water had broke.

" Grey" I yelled from the other room.

" Yea babe, you ok" he says , I see him in the cooner of my eye and look up at him.

" My water just broke."


" Oh shit! DARRAN!!!" He yells running around the corner. " DARRAN, GET DOWN HERE. JESS IS HAVEING THE BABY!!" He screams. I feel a sharp kick in my lower belly. Calm down baby, clam down please. I go the living room and grab my jacket.

Next thing I know Darren comes running down the stairs and falls down the last half. God Damn it Darran , not now. Then I hear him groan. " I'm good." Oh thank god he's not dead. Grey follows with my bag and help Darran up.

" OK, Darren you drive" He says tossing him the keys. Darren takes the bag out of greys hands , and grey pics me up and runs me to the car, threw the rain. God the baby wont stop kicking. Grey gets in on the other side and Darren jumped in the driver seat. He started the car and flicked a ton of mud up while getting out of the drive way.

..... Trip to the Hospital.......

We finally got in and the doctors put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me to my room. They said that Darran had to wait in the waiting room. Grey stood by m side the whole time.

............. 8 hours later...............

The doctor came back in with our little girl. I look up at grey and he had a tear in his cheek.

" Is Mr. Gangster Crying?" I say poking him. He looks at me and smiles.

" Only for you two." He said as the doctor hands her to me.

" She is a very healthy baby, 19.2 in.  long and 8.7 pounds. Do you have a name picked out?" I look at Grey and nod. We decided to name her Adalind.

Adalind Mairi  Vince.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now