Chapter 21

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thanks for reading guys, It means alot. I personally didn't think this story would get 800 reads. Anyways Back to whatever I was doing with my life. 


 " So, what do you want for your birthday?" i ask.

"You he said putting his arm around me. Awe, he so sweet.

" No really." i say.

" You......" he says he then stands up from the couch and kneels in front of me taking something out of his back pocket.

Is he?? He looks at me a smiles at my reaction. He then takes out a little box and opens it.

" Jess will you Marry me?"


AWWWW , THIS MADE ME WANT TO CRY SO BAD!!! Ok back to the book. (Grabs tissues) 


......About a Month Later....

Well after he asked me, and after I said yes. We kinda went up stairs..... 

You can guess that I'm not a virgin anymore. And I would like to say... I WAS AMAZING. Granted we didn't come out of our room for a day. Still. I'm glad I could be with Grey. I was down stairs and I was making Grey some bacon and eggs for breakfast.  I went to go get the seasoning from the top self. But me being me... I was too short. I got on my toes and I still could reach. Only short girls would feel my pain. I feel someone behind me. A pair of arms wrap around my torso, and i feel someone breathing down my neck. 

" Morning my Queen." Grey said and kissed my neck. I couldn't help but to giggle at the nickname. 

" Hello my King, sleep well?" I said turning around so I was looking up at him. I Looked at his smirk and his beautiful eyes. 

" Only when I'm with you." he says. He looks behind me at what I was trying to get and smiles.  He reaches for the seasoning, Pushing me against the counter with his body. He Get the it down and hands it to me. I take it from his and go back to cooking. 

" Shorty."

" Shut up." i say without looking at him. He grabs my waist with his hands and whips me around.

" what was that?" he asks with his face inches from mine. 

I give him a smirk. " I said..... Shut up." Then I took a piece of bacon and shoved it in his mouth. I let out a chuckle and he chewed the bacon in his mouth. 

" Yummy." he said licking his lips. Then walked to the fridge. " Almost as good as you." I blushed at that comment. I kept cooking his food when I feel ice running down my back. I screamed at how it was so cold. 

" Grey!!" What the Hell!" i said trying to get the ice out of my shirt. " That was cold!" 

" Its Ice babe, it's kinda the point." he said chuckling. The ice fell out of my shirt and I glared at Grey. He gave me an innocent smile and shrugged. I Couldn't  stay mad at the face. 

" Your food is ready." I said handing him his plate. He takes it and nods. Then walks to the door. Right when he turns around I smack his butt. He stops and looks back at me and smirks. Then goes into the dining room. I go to the counter and clean up the rest of the bacon I didn't cook. But when I picked up the package of bacon. I don't know what got over me, but I felt sick. I placed the bacon on the counter and ran to the bathroom. 

After I threw up , I heard a knock at the door. 

" Jess?" 

" y-Yeah." 

" You ok." he says and turns the doorknob and opens it a little. 

" I'm fine." He was in the bathroom and helps me up. When I stand up, he lifts me onto the counter. He brings his hand to my forehead, feeling if i'm warmer than usual. " Grey, Im fine." 

" I know, I just want you to o-" Then his face drops with all expression. 

" What?" 

" protection." he said under his breath. with his face in his hands. 

" What protection Grey." 

" We didn't  use it." 

" What are you-" Then  I see what he means. " Oh." 

" Yeah......." Then It was all quiet for way too long ,very awkward. Grey brake the silence by getting in the Bathroom drawers. He shuffles around for a little bit and he pulls out a little box and hands it to me. " Ill be in the living room. Ok? " I nod and take the box. He kisses my forehead and leaves. 

........... 5 minutes later..............

Grey's POV

I sit in the livingroom on the couch. Thinking about what's gonna happen yet. I don't know what to think about it. If she's not or if she is. I never was a kid person. But when she was with my little brother. How she acted so.... kind to him. That moment I was thinking, I want to have kids with her. But does she want kids? When will she? How am I supposed to think about this.

I didn't even hear Darren come in. untill he puts a hand on my shoulder. 

" Grey?" he says, I look back at him and then back  at the floor." You ok man." 

" Yeah." I say not looking up. 

" Well..... Wheres Jess?" I Dont say anything i just point over the bathroom. " What you too have a fight or somthing?" 

" Or somthing........" I said, still not looking at him. 

" Well, what happ-" he cut himself off when Jess walked into the room. I looked at her, and she looked at me then to darren then back to me. She didn't say anything and I couldn't read her expression to tell if she was or not. Then she speaks. 

" Grey............" 

" yeah." I say standing up. 

" I'm pregnant."


ooh!!! What happening Next!!! Reminder: the book is almost over!!

HE HE HE HE HE. Anyways back to life. 

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