Chapter 5

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I woke up in my bed with an ice pack on my head. I flutter my eyes to gain my vision back . I put my hand on my head, BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA! God that hurt. I look at the bed stand and see a cup of water with a pill capsule next to it. Then I see a note under the cup. I pick up the cup and red the note


When you read this, take the medicine next to you. It will help with the pain. When you're feeling up to it. Come down stairs, Hope you feeling better soon Doll.

-Love Grey.

So kind, I sit up and take a pill,I drink all the water and then slide out of bed. I slowly walk over to the door and into the hallway. My head a little tipsy from the beer bottle, but nothing I can't handle. I make it down the stairs and find Darren on the couch with some other gang members. Darren hears my footsteps and looks back at me.

" Well nice to have you back princess."

" What happened," I say holding my head walking over to the couch.

" Well. I waited 5 minutes like you said, and then when I got to the door. I heard you too screaming at each other." He said. " Then I heard the bottle break, so I ran in and you were on the floor."

" What about Greg?" I cross my legs on the couch.

" Your dad? He was so drunk he didn't even notice I was there, so I carried you to the car and drove you home."

" Thanks Darren"

" Hey, what are gang members for!" he said, I gave him a smiles. I look around , but Grey was nowhere to be seen. " Greys, not here." I look at Darren and asked why. " He had to go outta town for a couple days, Personal- stuff,  he told me to not let you outta my sights."

" ahhhh" I say nodding my head. But that really hurt,I put my hand on my head. Darren looked at me and asked.

" Are you ok?"

" yeah, I'm fine." I reply. " Just my head still hurts"

" did you take the pill?"

" yeah, it didn't help."

Darren sat and thought for a minute. " Hey... wait ... no probably shouldn't."

" What?"

" Well, when ever I have a headache, I drink some of our moon shine, it always helps. But your kinda young for drinking."

" I'm not that young, and you forget I work at a bar." When ever I was stressed out. Trey would slip me beer  every so often.

" That, and I don't think Grey would want to come home with you drunk."

" Don't be such a downer!" i say hitting his shoulder playfully. He looks at the other gang members and they're all shaking their heads no.

" Here, how about you drink but the rest of us don't, so if you do get drunk, it will just be you."

" Fine," one of the gang boys goes into the kitchen and grabs a moonshine bottle. After he opens it he hands it to me. After I drank that, It went all down hill.


Sorry really short chapter!!!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

My Dad Sold Me to a Gang Leader. ( Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now