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Special Chapter

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It was early morning, 9:48 AM to be exact and Natsu dragneel had awoken from his sleep, being extremely joyful that it was Saturday and he didn't have to worry about school, the urge to punch a kid, and work. He could just relax for the day.

Zeref happened to be still in deep sleep so natsu quickly and quietly tip toed out the room and down the stairs, he had a large craving for some orange juice and let his feet take him to the kitchen. He was surely surprised when he hadn't seen lucy because shes usually always awake by this time.

However, that changed when he felt a seemingly gloomy presence behind him, he turned around and saw Lucy. She seemed different. She was wearing all black, a trench coat and some black flats.

Her eyes seemed tired, out of color, and he could read the sadness in them. "Hey Lucy... are you all right?" he wondered because it was noticeable. "U-Um can you take me somewhere?" she questioned with a small crack in her voice, ignoring his own question, Natsu didn't mind really.

He looked down and saw she was holding particularly white roses. "Yeah...let me change and we can go." He said kindly without any more questions and quickly changed out of his pajamas and into casual clothes.

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During the car ride it was eerily quiet. Lucy didn't need to tell Natsu where to go because she knew that he knew where to go, which made her surprisingly glad. 'Magnolia Cemetery.' Was spelled out in bold letters revealing a large gated space with multiple tomb stones of people who've already passed away.

None of them were familiar to the duo except for their family members who died at an early age.

Lucy quietly walked for a few minutes with Natsu behind her. She stopped at a specific tombstone by the name of

'Ashley Lucile Heartfilia.''

She sat down on her knees and stared at the written grave stone, not saying a word. Natsu thought it was best not to say anything as well but just to be by her side, so he sat down as well.

"Sorry, you probably think this is boring, you can leave if you want." She suggested with a whisper tone.

"No way I'm not leaving, I'll be here for you." He smiled at her genuinely, hoping it would ease her pain.

"Here, why don't you tell me about her?" Natsu asked.

"Well she was my sister. My older sister. We're actually a lot alike except for personality types. We both had blonde hair, and brown eyes. My mom thought we were identical twins, But it wouldn't make sense, since she was born 2 years before me. She was more tough and can be rude when she wants to. Also very dense, But she'd always protected me. And that's how she died. Protecting me. Dammit it's A-All my fault-" she whispered the last few words while her eyes couldn't hold it in any longer and she bursted into tears.

Natsu felt his heart break at the scene right in front of him, he's never seen Lucy cry and it was effecting him dearly.

"Hey, cmon Luce don't cry, it's not your fault." He mumbled, trying to find multiple solutions to make her stop crying. Thus of course none of them worked. So he took a deep breathe and wrapped his arms around her in a tight bear hug, which seemed to calm her down a bit.

He heard her sniffle gently and clung onto him, still crying but in a more quiet tone. She felt safe in his arms which was a rare thing for Lucy to feel.

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