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They all walked around together for quite a while. Lucy Heartfilia was ecstatic.

"Did you guys want to see the big Christmas tree!" She said gleefully, knowing Zeref would agree, just as he did.

"Sure, I don't mind" Natsu said with a smile on his face. She turned over to sting who just stared at Natsu with a blank but yet bothered expression. However he said nothing and just followed along.

They didn't notice the commotion around the large Christmas tree that lit up the street, everyone around them was extremely excited.

Everything was perfect.

And then suddenly it wasn't.

A strange man grabbed onto Natsu's shoulders tightly, very confused, Natsu turned around aggressively to see just who this man was.

Big mistake.

"It's nice to see you again, son."

There stood Igneel, the abusive father of Natsu and Zeref. The one they thought they had escaped for good. Natsu stood there in a shock, he couldn't believe what was standing in front of him.

This of course also caught the attention of the entire group, Sting was quite confused. Zeref started to shake, and his shaking turned into trembling. He didn't want to see this man after what had happened.

Lucy just stood there, a swallowing the nothingness in her throat and slowly walked in front of Zeref. To protect him if anything were to happen.

"Zeref call the police." Natsu said with no emotion, a bland monotone expression, his eyes said another story. Zeref didn't have anything to say as he shakily grabbed his phone.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you-" igneel claimed as he pulled out a gun pointing it directly at Zeref but of course Lucy was in the way.

That's what finally threw Lucy off, she jumped back but did not leave zeref's place. The people around them started to notice and all you could hear was murmurs and loud gasp, everyone and everything were in shock, as if time was standing still.

"Don't you dare put a hand on him." Lucy said confidently, not realizing the seriousness of the entire situation.

"LUCY!"  yelled Natsu as the last thing that could be heard was the sound of the gun clicking into place.

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