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Sting Eucliffe had jolted from his bed once he had heard his phone vibrating and ringing from across the room.

Lucy ⭐️ is calling



Lucy had shouted against the phone and Sting knew she was probably smiling.

"Lucy you're blonde too."

"Yes I know that, someone seems to be grouchy on Christmas Eve."

"Sorry, Merry Christmas to you too, but don't you think it's a little too early?"

"Its 10:36-"


"IT'S NEVER TO EARLY TO BE FESTIVE! Well I just wanted to call and see if you wanted to come with me, Natsu, and Zeref to a Christmas festival tonight!.. If you're not busy of course."

Sting was worried. Not because of Lucy or just the festival but going with Natsu. What if they got into an argument and Natsu would beat the living shit out of him again?

"Sure. My parents aren't very christmassy so I might just have a lunch with them and then head over a couple hours after." He agreed either way.

"YAYYYY! Okay see ya later alligator!" She giggled and Sting rolled his eyes.

"Don't say that. Like. Ever again."

"Okay, Mr.Grinch." She sassed and hung up, him just chuckling slightly.

Who knows what will happen?

« • »

Zeref Dragneel was technically dragged out of bed that morning.

He groaned in pain and opened his eyes to see his brother standing over him.

"Merry Christmas Zer." Natsu had said to him with a toothy smile.

Zeref took a few seconds to look around the room with his eyes slightly squinted and try to climb back into his bed or more of like his life saver until Natsu grabbed him by his ankle and dragged him once more, Zeref desperately trying to cling onto his bed sheet.

"Cmon don't be a pain, Lucy's awake and we have presents." Natsu said excitedly as Zeref stopped with the struggle.

"We have... Presents..?"

"Yeah we do. So let's go open them." Natsu replied with a more of a gentle tone while letting go of him.

They both had gone down the stairs to see Lucy in her cute little reindeer Christmas jumper and a cup of hot chocolate in her hands.

"Ah, Merry Christmas Zeref!" She said with excitement herself.

"Yeah, Merry Christmas Lucy." He said with uncertaintanty.

They all sat around the Christmas tree they stood up very late to decorate, Zeref receiving 3 presents.

One from Natsu, one from Lucy, and the last one from Santa, which he assumed was from Lucy.

He couldn't help but feel excited. Also feeling like it was unreal. He was finally in a home where both him and his brother were safe.

Once they had seen and unwrap all the presents, they had spent all morning and half of the afternoon making cookies and brownies and anything else they found in that Christmas recipe book.

Even though the cookies were quiet burnt, and the brownies were very sloppy, they still managed to have a lot of fun and even ate the food.

There was a lot of different things that happened, Lucy had Ruffled zeref's hair more than 15 million times, and Natsu had seemed so happy it wasn't something he was used to seeing. It made him glad.

Another thing he noticed was that Lucy was happy just seeing Natsu happy. She would smile at him, at a more loving tone when he wasn't looking.

After that they had decided to play some board games, for example , Monopoly and Life which lasted 3 hours since those games are intense but he didn't mind... All that mattered was that

he was happy.
Chapter posted;

May 24th 2016
1:21 AM

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