Chapter 2

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Brielle felt the temperature drop by at least ten degrees as she met his cold black eyes. He was standing at least a foot away, his tall frame obstructing the view. Not that he was bad to look at though. Just a bit scary.

"Are you the woman who brought my father here?" he drawled. Brielle shivered at the tone of his voice. 

"If you are talking about the elderly man who collapsed at the park this morning, then yes, I did." she said, rubbing her palms together nervously.

She berated herself for swooning briefly over his handsome, clean shaved face. His attire and height made him look like a male model, she usually drooled over in magazines. Suits did wonders for men, pity so few of them realized it.

  "I cannot thank you enough for your help." he said monotonously, his stony eyes boring into hers. Brielle suppressed a shudder.   

"Really?" she couldn't help herself. "You sure look unhappy about it."

"I am not easily amused. But no, I truly am grateful." he said pulling out a cheque book from his coat pocket. Brielle struggled to keep from running her hands over the smooth fabric. It looked subtle and smart, no doubt it was expensive, just like the rest of his attire and the spanking new Sedan he came in. He's really really rich.

He looked at her up and down, to earn a dirty scowl from Brielle, before returning to his cheque book. He signed the bottom of the cheque and handed it to her. 

"The amount hasn't been mentioned." said Brielle looking at it carefully. She wasn't going to to make the same mistake with documents again.

"I know." he said impatiently. "Fill out as much as you want. One million is the limit. Let me know if its not enough."

"Excuse me?" Brielle exclaimed. "Please do not think that you need to pay me for my help. Its alright if you simply return the amount I deposited to the hospital."

"You are refusing my money?" he asked surprised raising his eyebrows. So he does have expressions other than sulking.

"I didn't do anything worth that much. It'll be great if you could just write me a cheque for the ten thousand I submitted." said Brielle.

The man's handsome face clouded with confusion. " Is it so difficult to believe?" thought Brielle.

"This is the smallest amount I've ever written." he said as he wrote. Brielle stared at the gold tipped pen he was using. That piece of stationary alone must be worth five thousand dollars.

"This is the largest amount that's ever been written for me, though." said Brielle coldly. The man was too arrogant for her liking. This was the coldest thank you she had ever received. And she did a lot of kind stuff for people.

"Here." he said shoving it into her bag.

"Hey!" she protested, reaching in to take the paper out. 

"See it later." he said authoritatively. Brielle fumed. Who did he think he was anyway? But she found herself obeying him, despite her angry outburst.

"I'm really late for college." she said. The taxi driver behind her was tapping his watch at her. "I have to go. Bye." With that she got in the taxi, told the driver the address and slammed the door shut.

"Take care." said the unfairly good-looking man quietly as he bent down to look at her through the window. "Thanks again."

Brielle couldn't bring herself to respond as her heart skipped a beat. She stared after him, and he at her as the taxi drove off.

She sighed and took out the cheque from her bag.

"To Miss Gabrielle Dane, a sum of ten thousand only, from Mr. Jack Dixon."

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