Mini Chapter

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It had been about three days since they had Paula back in their lives, and Brielle was doing her best to learn more about the woman.

"Brielle," said Paula exasperatedly after a particularly intense questioning session. "It's okay. You don't have to force yourself to be friends with me."

"What?" said Brielle pouting slightly, miffed that Paula could think so little of her. "I'm not forcing anything."

"Let's take this slow, okay?" said Paula calmly. "Lets do something together every weekend or in the evenings, when we're both free, instead of , you know, sitting cooped up here. I'm starting to feel like a fugitive in an interrogation room."

Brielle laughed. "I'm sorry love." she said. "I just want to be your friend so badly."

"You are already my friend Brielle." said Paula firmly. "We'll get closer naturally as time goes by."

Brielle sighed resignedly and then hugged Paula tightly. "You are so much more mature than me." she said with a playful smile.

Paula grinned. "Well when you've had the kind of life I've had, what with being lost royalty and all that, you can't help but mellow a bit sooner."

Axky strolled into the kitchen at that very moment and was shocked to see Paula and Brielle locked in an intimate embrace.

"Gee, Pouting Prissy and Paula making out?" he commented slyly as he sipped his orange juice. "I didn't know you guys had a thing for each other."

The two women looked at each other's position in horror, and jumped about quickly.

"AXKY!" shouted Brielle, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You PERVERT!"

"Oh my, no need to get so worked up." said Axky inching towards the door. "It's quite alright if you like Paula, but I must protest because she is with me. Maybe we could find some other nice girl for you?" he added merrily.

Axky barely shut the door behind him as Brielle threw her shoe at him.

Paula was doubled over in laughter, clutching her aching sides.

"That was hilarious." she said wiping away a stray tear from her cheeks. "You are both so adorable."

Brielle smiled despite her anger over Axky. She knew he was only having fun, and seeing Paula so happy, she realized she didn't mind being the brunt of his jokes.

"You really love him don't you Paula?" she asked as she sat down at the kitchen table again.

"Yes." said Paula truthfully. "He makes me laugh even at my saddest, and he shares my happiest moments with me. I want to be able to do the same for him, but I am hardly funny, and haven't had many happy moments, but it seems that he doesn't mind."

Brielle got up from her chair and hugged Paula. "Of course he doesn't mind. He loves you."

Paula only had time to smile as the front door burst open.

"SEE!" said Axky pointing his finger at the embracing couple. "Didn't I say so?" he asked the figure behind him.

Paula and Brielle strained their necks to see a very shocked Jack.


A/N: Hi guys!

A few of you said you missed my little bloopers and comic reliefs so I decided to write one that aids the story line a bit.

The next chapter will be full fledged and pretty long, so get ready. :-D

I love you all so much.

I have some new stuff ready for you guys. Make sure you're following me to get updates.

Take care everyone,

Stay safe,

lots of love,


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