Chapter 24

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The hotel gave a magnificent view of the beach. Brielle looked out of the window to see the clear waters of the calm sea. She couldn't wait to get her feet wet. Arthur was in the bathroom enjoying the jacuzzi. He'd been inside for over an hour and Brielle didn't think he was coming out before lunch.

Jack was busy talking on the phone. One day I'll throw the damn thing. He was pacing in the living room wearing nothing but a bathrobe and white slippers. He'd just taken a shower. His chiselled chest kept catching Brielle's attention as she found herself blushing. His smooth wet hair stuck to his neck, as rubbed a towel over his head, while balancing the phone on his shoulder. His voice was huskier than usual and everytime he spoke, Brielle's stomach did an unexpected flip.

"Axky any update on Zachary's location?" said Jack finally sitting down on the couch beside Brielle and setting the phone on loudspeaker mode.

"Gimme a few more minutes." said Axky's boyish voice. "OOH! I'll need another fifteen minutes Jackie, I just got pinged by this hot babe online."

Brielle looked at Jack quizzically. Jack sighed and gave her a "For -the -love -of -God- I- can't -deal- with -this- right -now -so- don't -ask" look.

"Leslie." growled Jack threateningly.

"Dude, chill. You don't have to get jealous just because you haven't had any action in over a year. I can set you up with her if you like, she'd be more than willing---"

Jack cursed as colourfully as he could. Brielle's eyebrows shot up so high in shock that Jack actually looked embarrassed.

"Axky, please just help me out. The city of Bangkok is huge. I can't find my uncle and cousin without your guidance." said Jack gritting his teeth. The last time he had pleaded to anyone was when he'd asked for money from his uncle and signed that wretched contract.

"Of course. The magic word always helps. I'll tell the girl I'm busy and that you were always my first love." said Axky joyfully. Brielle couldn't contain her giggles. "Take the phone off loudspeaker, Jack."

Jack was startled and did so immediately.

"How did you know that?" he asked.

"I just do." said Axky seriously. Jack tensed. The last time he'd seen Axky tense was when his own mother had been very ill.

"What is it?" he asked preparing for the worst.

"I found Zachary's location, but Jack you can't get close. You have enemies around there." said Axky.

"Enemies? You mean the Kormin twins?" said Jack getting up and standing in the seclusion of the balcony.

"The same. It seems they've struck a deal with the estranged uncle of yours."  said Axky tentatively. The strain in his voice was unmistakable. "They are staying at one of their cheaper hotels. Either they are lying low or are short on cash. I don't know what's going on Jack, but I don't like it. They are planning something. I think you should take a flight back home. Take Brielle and Arthur with you. I'll see what I can do about the tape."

"This isn't just about the tape any more, is it? Its got a lot more personal now. Do you really think the Kormin's still hate me from school?" said Jack with a laugh. "I did nothing to them that they didn't deserve. They thought they could insult both our families and I'd take it all without as much as a retort? I did not even touch them till they hurt you. I didn't kick box for nothing all those years."

"You hurt their egos more than the simple broken nose. The Kormin brothers are also good businessmen. Zachary Jones must have offered them a share in your company once they gain control of it."

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