Chapter 11

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It had been over a month since Brielle had left the hospital. She had returned to her job as a waitress at the Raftword Palace, and had been rewarded with a small bonus. Brielle resigned from her other part-time jobs-that as an assistant at a pet store and a plant waterer.

"Good evening! My name is Brielle and I shall be your waitress tonight." she said with a smile to a small family at the table.

"Hi Brielle!" said a young boy, about twelve years old. "I can't understand anything on this menu. Its all different languages."

Brielle laughed as his mother hushed him.

"That's because there are so many different cuisines here." explained Brielle. "There's food from all around the world."

"Really?" asked the boy peering at the menu again. "I want to try something from every country!"

"James, you can't possibly eat that much." his father said wisely. " We'll have the chicken pasta, lamb risotto and creme brule."

"Certainly Sir." said Brielle noting it in her notepad. She turned to leave, noticing that the last table under her care was still empty. Jack Dixon had not come for a meal since the day she last met him. Maybe he's just busy. Probably got a lot of work on his plate. She suppressed a giggle.

She hated to admit it, but Jack Dixon was impossible to forget. She kept coming to work every morning in the hope of seeing him again. Dixon Senior, or Jeffery Dixon had not yet returned for his early morning walks. Brielle found herself feeding the swans on her own. It was lonely without the father-son duo.

But the silver lining in her life was Zachary Jones. He was the most wonderful boyfriend in the world, according to her. He brought her flowers, kissed her passionately, and yesterday whether accidentally or on purpose, Brielle didn't know, he had given her a love bite on her neck. When she gasped in surprise, he had told her he loved her for the first time. They were slowly inching towards second and third base and Brielle was nervous.

"Amanda!" exclaimed Brielle pointing to her hickey as she sat down for lunch after work.

"What? There's nothing to be ashamed of." said Amanda stuffing her mouth with a big spoonful of spaghetti.

"I've never done this before." whispered Brielle looking around to make sure no one was listening to them.

"So?" said Amanda savouring a meatball. "There's always a first time."

"I have a date tonight with him. I think that might happen." said Brielle stirring her custard round and round, completely destroying the crust.

"I have the perfect dress for you." said Amanda happily. "I'll be at your place tonight and we can ready you up."

"Do you think I'm ready?" asked Brielle pushing the custard bowl away. She had lost her appetite.

"You love him don't you Brielle?" asked Amanda. "With David, I never had to think. It went naturally. I was scared, but knowing that I was taking a step with my best friend and the love of my life made it much easier."

Brielle swallowed nervously. She didn't know if she loved Zachary. Why was losing her innocence to him that big a deal? Amanda was right, if they were in love there was nothing to worry about. For some reason, her stomach squirmed and she felt guilty. 

Was she lying to herself?

"Hey, if you're worried, talk to him." said Amanda taking Brielle's hand in her own. "He cares about you, so he won't rush you or anything. He's been with a lot of girls before, and I hear he's pretty experienced. So don't overthink."

"He's experienced?" repeated Brielle. She clutched her hair in frustration. "I don't know an effing thing! I've never been in a relationship this long before. What if I'm horrible in bed?"

Just then her phone rang. I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world...

"Please change that ringtone." scoffed Amanda covering her ears. Brielle laughed. She loved that song. It was the last song she had heard with her family, before they passed away.

"Hello?" said Brielle.

"Hey, babe." came Zachary's cheerful voice. "I'm thinking of taking you away for the weekend with me."

"A-away?" stuttered Brielle. "Where?"

"It's a surprise. See you tonight." said Zachary mysteriously. "I love you."

"See you." said Brielle. She could never bring herself to say that she loved him. She was afraid to be a liar.

"Wear something sexy underneath okay?" he said huskily in a low voice and hung up.

Brielle turned a deep scarlet shade, as she tucked the phone inside her bag.

"What?" asked Amanda studying Brielle's shocked face.

"What do you know about sexy underwear?" she asked awkwardly.

"Sexy. Underwear?" repeated Amanda. She kept her spoon and fork down. "Honey, I think you'll get some action tonight." she said.

Brielle nodded half-heartedly. "I guess so." She glanced at her watch. It was time to return to work.

"See you tonight Amanda, I have to go now." said Brielle standing up.

"Yeah. Bye." said Amanda waving.

Brielle ran back to the restaurant, a few minutes from being told off for being late. She hurried to the tables under her care and did a double take when she saw the last table occupied by a familiar face.

Jack Dixon was sitting at the table, wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, looking very much like a university student. He was smiling genuinely, something Brielle had never seen before.  He was listening to something with his earphones. 

She hurried to take his order, but paused when a beautiful blonde woman, wearing a short red dress and high heels walked up and seated herself in front of Jack across the table. Jack gave her a brief nod of acknowledgement. He stopped smiling immediately.

The woman suddenly grabbed his shirt and yanked him closer over the table. His earphones fell out, as he leaned over at the sudden pull. Brielle was the only one who noticed the shock on Jack's face as the woman forced her sticky gloss-coated lips against his.

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