Chapter 18

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"Jack?" called Brielle as she finally stepped out of the bathroom clad in an over sized t-shirt and pajamas. There was no answer. She looked around the large room, thinking childishly that he may be hiding. Her curiosity led her to the bed, where she found a covered tray and a handwritten note.


I'm sorry I'm not here to share this meal with you. There's some pressing work that I need to do. Please have dinner and catch up on some sleep. If you need anything call me on my mobile or my housekeeper's son Arthur. The phone numbers are below.

And Brielle? Don't overthink.

Take care,


"What work does he have to do now?" she said aloud, glancing at the old-fashioned metal clock hangingon the wall. "Its 4 a.m. in the morning."

She sat down on the bed and lifted the food covers. Her mouth watered at the sight of hot savoury soup and warm buns. She hurriedly tucked in as her stomach growled with hunger.

Oh Jack, she thought between mouthfuls. I hope you are alright.

"Found the tape." said the male voice triumphantly on the phone that was on loudspeaker. Jack sighed in relief as he continued to drive through the empty streets. It was still pitch dark, in the wee hours of the morning. The Audi's headlights lit up the black night as he sped through at over 100 miles per hour.

"Good." said Jack hoarsely taking a swig of a can of Dew. "Now tell me where that son-of-a-bitch is hiding."

"Zachary and his father are both currently in on a plane to Thailand." said the voice as Jack heard him rapidly type something on his keyboard. "They had released the tape on a couple of sites already, but I've got rid of them. The original I can not destroy until they land."

"Please do whatever you need to. This is really important." said Jack, his forehead creasing. The bloody assholes are out of the country. Now how will I smash Zachary's irritating face into a squishy pulp?

"Hey Jack?" asked the voice sounding serious for once. "Who is she?"

"Leslie, I'm sure being the investigative computer hacker that you are, you already know." said Jack exasperatedly.

"What's with the reference to the old name? My rivals could be tapping my phone. Do you have any idea how much damage it can cause to my reputation?" retorted the person called Leslie, obviously angry.

"Okay, okay, Axky it is." said Jack calmly. "How long till you can delete the tape completely?"

"In a couple of hours or so." said Axky. "I'm haven't got the opportunity to hack into their machine yet. They are being very careful, but don't worry I'll see to it. You however need to tell me more about this girl. Are you in love with her?"

Jack was lucky the roads were desolate for he accidentally hit the brakes at Axky's words.

"No." he said tersely steadying the car.

"So you are in love with her then." concluded Axky with a chuckle as Jack cursed rudely. "Lets see, Gabrielle Dane, 22 years old, orphaned at seventeen, straight A student, has an extremely clean record. Not even a parking ticket to her name."

That's because I don't have a car. Jack could imagine Brielle would say something like that.

"Aha she was photographed with you. " said Axky as he continued to type away on his computer. Jack didn't know much about Axky except that he hated socializing and preferred to stay indoors in the dark and perform ethical hacking duties for high paying companies. "Two recent transactions in her name. Ohoho she paid for Uncle's treatment, despite her bank balance being so low? She's a kind hearted person, very different from the, say, how can I be polite, I guess I can't be, bitches you dated before."

"Axky..." groaned Jack. "She got mixed up with me. That's why that no good cousin of mine is putting her through this crap. Help me out okay?"

"My pleasure." said Axky merrily. "Why are you headed north this early in the morn?"

"You're tracking me?" said Jack surprised. "Of course you are. I'm seeking a meeting with a woman Brielle's calls her best friend. I believe she has misplaced her trust."

"Best friend...aha most chats on Facebook have been with Amanda Nickelby, engaged to David Gillfoot. Currently at her own house. Awake, online." said Axky. 

Jack smiled wryly. "Aren't you nosy?"

"I sure am. I think you're right about her being two-faced towards Brielle. My data shows she's been in touch with Zachary Jones since the last couple of weeks. They've been chatting every night."

"Did he ask her to plan Brielle's and his first night?" asked Jack as the car halted near a homely neighbourhood. 

"Lets see," came Axky's voice. "Yes. You're right. He's been blackmailing this Amanda person, saying if she didn't do as he said her fiance would die."

"Best friend or lover. She didn't have to choose, what are law enforcement for, if you don't approach the police for help?" said Jack with a growl in his voice. He didn't care if Amanda was a woman, he had half a mind to yell obscenities at her. How could you sell your friend to the devil?

"Stupid decision on her part. But Zachary can be very charming. She probably never considered going to the police." said Axky sagely. "Blinded by her love..."

"This is no time to be poetic Axky." said Jack getting out of the car. "What do I do now? There's no point in confronting Amanda is there? She can't help me get the tape back or find Zachary. The bastard's escaped to Thailand! Damn it I thought he was broke, for having cancelled the dinner booking with Brielle."

"He cancelled?" said Axky in surprise. "I can't see any records. Besides he's not broke. He probably got a good amount for the video."

Jack stood on the pavement cursing in the most colourful language.

Axky laughed. "Its done Jack."

"Whats done?" he asked irritably.

"Original and all copies of tape have been deleted." said Axky. "I'm fast eh?"

Jack was so relieved he could have kissed Axky. He thought of his bearded boyish face. No, not that relieved, he added as an afterthought.

"Thank you." said Jack so sincerely Axky was surprised. 

"She's okay isn't she? This Brielle?" he asked.

"Yeah. She's at home, sleeping." said Jack getting back into his car as he decided his plan of action.

"So you call her Brielle, huh? What does she call you Jackky bear, Juju-poo, Jackkie muffin?" said Axky back to his playful self.

"Shut up Leslie and I don't care who's listening." said Jack slamming the door shut. "Are you free next week?"

"I don't like that name." whined Axky. "I'm busy next week."

"It's my 25th birthday." said Jack restarting the engine as the first rays of sunrise hit the city skyline.

"Aww. You're inviting me to a birthday party?" said Axky mimicing a child's voice. "I feel like we're ten years old."

 "And also possibly my wedding." said Jack as the car picked up speed. He was going back home.

"Wedding?" repeated Axky his tone full of amusement. "Then I'll have to come."

A/N: You are all cordially invited to Jack's wedding ceremony. ^_^ Please do attend, and feel free to bring more guests (do share this story). 

Any guesses as to who the bride is?

What do you think of Axky? (Picture of him in next update)

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