Chapter 39

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The story so far:

Jack and Brielle are in Frankfurt, enjoying a day out sightseeing. They meet Jack's dad and his new wife Heidi. Both of them are surprised to discover that Heidi's god daughter is Trisha. She was Claire's best friend, the woman who used Jack for fame and money. Trisha volunteered to be the wedding planner for Jack and Brielle. In order to keep her relationship with Heidi, Brielle relented much to Jack's dismay. Trisha is a very sticky personallity, but finally Jack and Brielle are alone, and about to have the best time of their lives. Meanwhile Claire is holding a press conference in front of Dixon Enterprises.

"What the hell is she doing here?" exclaimed Raul as he pushed the curtain back over the window in his office.

"I honestly don't know." said Sebastian as he pulled back the curtain to take a closer look. "Didn't Jack break up with her properly? He told me they were through. Claire looks like she's about to hold a press conference or something."

"What if she says she's pregnant or something?" said Raul as he pressed his temples.

"It's mathematically and scientifically impossible, with only one exception." said Sebastian standing up and pacing once again. "Jack and Claire broke up three years ago, so unless they had a one night stand I don't know about, she shouldn't technically be carrying his kid."

"I thought he was head over heels for Brielle?" groaned Raul. "She's such a sweet, sensible girl. Why can't he just stay with her?"

"Where in the blazes is Jack for that matter?" asked Raul slumping on his chair. "He should have returned by now."

"Beats me." said Sebastian as he sat down too.

"Shit, the press conference has started," said Raul as loud microphones blared outside the building.

"You know Raul, if anything happens to me, on the lines of heart failure, trauma, panic attack, please sue Jack on my behalf." sighed Sebastian as he pressed his palms over his eyes, as though he was afraid to watch.


A couple of hours had passed since they had arrived. The afternoon sun entered lazily through the blinds in a picturesque German village. The cozy room was dimly lit, and extremely quiet, except for the heavy breathing of the two human beings who were so deeply in love they didn't notice.

Jack hadn't slept a wink since they made love for the first time. His heart was still thundering in his chest as Brielle slept peacefully beside him. Reflecting on what had happened in the past hour, he smiled to himself.

He chuckled to himself as he remembered her lovely expressions. She had blushed so brightly when he undressed her. Her surprised gasps and moans as he touched her in ways she had never experienced before, made him fall even more in love with her.

No matter what Brielle thought, he was certain he had never seen anyone look and be as beautiful as her.

He could not recall how many times he professed his love for her as he kissed every part of her body. He loved the way she called his name and gave herself to him completely. He was so afraid that he would hurt her...but he hadn't.

When Brielle was kidnapped he thought he had lost her for good. He did not know what was worse, the fact that someone would harm her or that he would not be around to protect her. Now that she was safe, as close as she could possibly be to him, sheathed within his arms he breathed easy. He would never let her be in any kind of danger again.

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