Chapter 28

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Someone had switched the lights on. White light washed over him, as he held Brielle in his arms. He had caught her when she was falling , preventing her from hurting herself further. But if anyone saw him now they'd think he was---

"What the hell are you doing to an unconscious woman Zachary?" boomed a loud voice, as heavy footsteps thudded against the concrete floor. Zachary cursed gruffly and laid Brielle's limp body on the floor.

"I wasn't doing anything." he said irritably as two stout, burly men came into the scene. The men glared at Zachary, both of them twirling their long brown moustaches.

"If she dies, we probably won't get any share of the company." said the man on the left, lighting a cigar. He had noticed the wound on Brielle's head.

"I know that you dumbass." said Zachary under his breath. "I formulated our plan."

"What was that?" asked the other man sharply. 

Zachary knew better than to get into a fight with these men so soon. They would probably kill him in the blink of an eye.

"Nothing." amended Zachary. " Tell me, Chris, when do you think Jack will arrive here? He's pretty smart and will probably find out our location soon."

"Is this your feeble attempt at changing the topic?" sneered the man wielding a cigar. "We are the Kormin brothers, Harvey and Chris Kormin. You have no idea how much damage we could do to you."

Zachary looked at them, knowing full well that they were right. He was no match for them when it came to physical strength. His night of lust with Brielle would have to wait till he claimed her as his concubine after he gained control over Dixon Enterprises. 

"She's hurt, but I didn't do it." said Zachary. "She was already bleeding when I opened the door."

"And you grabbed the opportunity to try something." said the man named Chris, spitting the cigar out of his mouth. It would have started a fire, had he not stepped on it with his enormous foot and put it out.

"I'm sorry." said Zachary holding up his hands.

"Better be." said Harvey. "Our showdown is with Jack. We mess with him not his girl. We do a lot of illegal stuff, and people often fear us, but we are not known for raping women. Females hold a lot of respect in our eyes. So while you are here, keep your fucking hands to yourself."

"And keep that sorry excuse of a dick in place." said Chris , as he rolled up his sleeves menacingly. "Or we'll castrate you."

Zachary opened his mouth and shut it again. What was he going to say anyway? All he had were snide and snarky retorts, any of which would probably have him saying his last prayers.

"Sorry." he said again, trying to sound sincere. Chris and Harvey seemed to buy it, as they dropped the matter.

"We need her conscious." said Harvey. "I have a first aid kit in the car outside. We need to fix the cut on her head, she's lost a lot of blood already."

"You do that." sad Chris nodding as Harvey turned and left. Chris faced Zachary giving him a glare. "You---tell me the plan again."

How stupid can you be to forget it so soon?

"Jack comes here looking for Brielle and we keep her locked in the cellar. Then we talk to Jack right here inside the basement and explain to him that if he wants to see her again, he needs to hand over the company to us."

"What if he says no?" asked Chris harshly.

"He's in love with this woman. If we didn't kidnap her he'd have married her anyway before his 25th birthday. Jack's contract with my father wouldn't hold until he has a divorce. But that's unlikely since they share a trusting bond or something like that. Its too much effort to wait till after the wedding to destroy their marriage and then obtain the company via fulfilment of the contract. Its better this way, we get the goods, he gets the girl. Everyone's happy."

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