Chapter 48

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Brielle woke up a few hours later, her matted hair sticking to her face. Groggily, she looked around for the neon clock on the wall, it was two o' clock in the morning. Shaking her head, she got up slowly from Paula's bed, her muscles screaming in protest.

It wouldn't do to sleep at a time like this. Brielle pursed her lips tightly together as she tied her hair into a tight ponytail.

"I am going to bring Paula back. No matter what it takes." she pledged to herself as she returned to her own room to retrieve her purse and jacket.

Passing by Vicky's room, she stopped to smile at the little girl, as an odd thought struck her. It was an idea, a genius idea, an idea with so much potential...Brielle was so proud of herself for thinking of it. She would have to wait till she found Paula and discussed it with Jack, though.

But it was a bloody brilliant idea.


"Axky, you really shouldn't have any more of that disgusting coffee." said Jack warningly, snatching the cup away from him. "If you get diarrhea at a time like this, no one is going to be able to take care of you."

"But I need the sugar!" whined Axky. "I'm tired, my fiance is missing, I don't know if I'll ever see her again, and you! My so called best friend, are you really going to deny me a cup of fricking coffee?"

"Why don't you have just the sugar?" said Jack shrugging his shoulders.

Axky stared at him open mouthed. "I can do that?" he asked gleefully.

Jack sighed once more and got up. "Yes, you can. Sugar pouches are kept beside the coffee machine. I'll go get you some."

"Oh Jackie, I love you so much!" said Axky hugging Jack tightly from behind.

Jack blanched. The entire embassy staff and visitors were staring at them. Hell if the brunette journalist published an article about him and Axky being a couple, he didn't know what face he was going to show at his office. (Raul would be pretty happy though.)

"Axky cut it out." he said curtly, trying to escape his clutches.

"But Jackie poo I love you!" said Axky holding him even tighter.

Jack felt a sense of dread as he realized what had just transpired. Axky was on a sugar high. He could barely hold down a beer. After 35 cups of coffee something was bound to happen.

There was no way he was going to let Axky have any more sugar tonight.

"I LOVE YOU! From a distance you really look like Paula you know. You and I can get married, and we could have a little kid of our own, and live in a little house by the river and we'd be together for ever and ever." declared Axky, leaning forward to kiss him.

Jack did the kindest thing he could think of---he punched him in the face.

Axky fell backwards onto the sofa, his eyes refocusing, and a faint smile forming on his face.

"Thanks man." he said groggily before falling asleep. "I needed that."

Jack cursed as he examined Axky's nose, it was it little bruised but thankfully not broken. The things he was having to do these days...

"I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world, you can brush my hair, undress me anywhere---"

What the hell? Why was that deplorable music coming from his jacket? Jack snapped out his cellphone and saw to his horror that someone was calling him. A lot of people around him chuckled at the music. The brunette was smirking.

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