Chapter 13

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A/N  :

Hi everyone!

I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone reading this. We have crossed over 500 reads in "Love Me Like You Do"! I hope you continue to read and support this story. Lots of love,


"I should get going." said Brielle turning to leave. She couldn't look Jack in the eye after what he'd heard. 

"It's really your first time?" he asked, making her stop in her tracks. She slowly turned to face Jack and nodded. He continued to look at her poker-faced. 

"Is that bad?" she asked afraid of his answer.

"Of course not. But is blondie worth it?" said Jack non-chalantly. "Honestly, I don't think he has the capability, if you know what I mean."

"His name's Zachary, and he's more than capable." defended Brielle, blushing a deep red.

"And how would you know?" said Jack coolly. "You said you have no experience."

"I haven't, but he he's had plenty." said Brielle. She had no idea why she was even discussing something like this with Jack. More so as her position of a waitress and Jack's as the owner.

"So he's a player." concluded Jack and gave Brielle a smile.

"No he's not!" said Brielle. "He's very committed to our relationship. We love each other."

Jack stared at her for a long moment, then stood up.

"If that is true, nothing I say should deter you." he said. He leaned down to her ear, his breath brushing against the nape of her neck, sending goosebumps over her skin. "I personally think blondie has some ulterior motives. He's not a good guy Brielle."

Her breathing hitched at their close proximity. She scolded herself for blushing. Her love was reserved for Zachary, she wasn't allowed to find Jack attractive. But she did. His perfect jawline and the husky voice at her neck was enough to leave her breathless.

"You're wrong." she managed to say. Jack moved back a little to cup her chin, and raise her eyes to meet his own.

"Am I?" he asked quietly. "How long have you known him?"

"Since high school. I always had a crush on him. But I was the nerd and he was the popular boy, so we never hung out or spoke much. In college, we met again, he's popular here too, but I'm still the nerd. He asked me out last month saying he'd always liked me." said Brielle hurriedly trying to explain to Jack, but more so to explain to herself that she loved Zachary.

"Don't you find it a bit fishy that he noticed you after this long?" said Jack cupping her cold face with his warm hands.

"Jack." she said desperately trying to find an argument, but his black eyes and the unmistakable concern in his face hindered her.

"I don't want you to be hurt, Brielle." he said. "Zachary Jones is not a man you should trust."

Brielle could only stare back as his hands left her cheeks. She suddenly felt lonely, missing the warmth on her face. He somehow made her feel safe.

"He won't hurt me. He loves me." said Brielle simply. Jack couldn't help himself, he bent down and kissed her cheek, very nearly kissing her lips. Her skin tingled in anticipation. 

"You are so naive, Brielle." he said shaking his head. "Take care of yourself. Be selfish if need be."

With that he kissed her forehead and walked away, leaving her surprised and blushing like a tomato.

Penny and Mimi almost dropped their trays in shock. There she was at it again, trying to steal the handsome billionaire's heart.

"I always knew she's a bitch." said Penny.

"But she's better than the other women he's dated." remarked Mimi. "She's not all that bad. She saved his dad's life, then saved him from Naomi a while ago. It's kind of obvious he has a soft spot for her."

"Whatever." said Penny walking off. "I hate her, anyway."

Brielle was in two minds the entire day, debating about whether or not she should meet Zachary. When it was finally time to go home, she thought, "I'm not going to be a virgin forever. And I care about Zachary. I'll go."

Amanda was already there when she opened the door to her flat.

"Brie!" screeched Amanda running to her with a pair of the smallest, flimsiest black lace bra and panties she had ever seen.

"You want me to wear that?" stuttered Brielle.

"Yes." said Amanda. "Whats wrong? Is it not tiny enough?"

"Its too tiny." said Brielle dismissively.

"He'll love it." said Amanda happily. "You won't regret it."

I sure hope so, thought Brielle.

A/N:  I'd love to know stuff like who your favourite character is, and what you think will happen next. Please don't be a silent reader. Do vote and comment if you like this story and let me know your thoughts.

 ~Andy :-)

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