Chapter 37

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Jack couldn't help but notice that Trisha was wearing no underwear. It was a good thing he hated her so much, he wasn't even remotely attracted to her. She excites me about as much as a shark gets when it sees a desert. Brielle, of course, looking adorably innocent in a t-shirt and jeans, was another matter. He couldn't wait till they were finally alone.

"We could get the purple velvet carpet for the reception, with baby pink confetti for the entrance. You will wear a wonderful pop pink gown and Jack could wear a blood red suit." Trisha rambled on. She kept swirling her blonde hair around and pulling down her already low cut top.

Brielle looked uncomfortable as she squirmed in her seat inside the limousine. Dixon Senior and his new wife Heidi had already left, but Heidi's annoying god-daughter was sticking to them like a leech.

"I'm not sure I like that." she managed while cracking a smile. Brielle honestly detested dressing up and overtly pink things. Not to mention Jack would probably jump of a cliff sooner than wear a suit the colour of blood.

"...and the table cloth would be a beautiful lacy orange with ocean blue lights and green plates..." continued Trisha completely ignoring Brielle as she hitched her short skirt even higher, before casting a covert look at Jack to make sure he was noticing.

Brielle's eyes grew wide with undisguised shock. Jack was sitting in the seat opposite them, his earphones doing little to shut out their voices. He pitied Brielle, but she had honestly brought this mess upon herself. He relished the thought of throwing Trisha out of the moving car and never coming back, before discarding it. No matter how much he wanted to do it, it would in the end lead to some horrible press. After the media damage control that had to be done by his team for the fiasco in Thailand, Sebastian and Raul would probably kill him.

He increased the volume of the metal music on his phone as he shut his eyes to relax. He chuckled as he reflected on what he'd heard. Orange, pink, green, blue and red all in the same place? There was no way the colours would harmonise.

Jack was seriously started to doubt Trisha's capabilities as a wedding planner, not that he had any faith in her in the first place. She probably wasn't even trained to be one anyway.

His eyes opened wide as her shrill voice cut through the heavy metal music in his ears. Maybe she could sing for a screamo band.

"...for the wedding I'll make sure we get the Plaza, you'll be dressed in the best custom made gown ever, you'll be like a princess and Jack will look like a king LOL, an Elizabethan theme with the corsets and elaborate hair styles will be just like the olden days, and we'll get Taylor Swift to sing and maybe even Miley Cyrus could do a duet..."


Jack's head was reeling. He wanted nothing more than to slap some tape over her mouth just to get her to stop talking for a minute. He'd expertly closed complex deals, negotiated with the toughest of opponents, obtained revenues from the unlikeliest of markets and established a billion dollar business from scratch. But there was a limit on how much more of this discussion he could take.

Thank goodness the car stopped just then, and he hurried out almost disengaging the door in his eagerness to escape. Brielle promptly followed looking relieved. Jack shot her a sympathetic look as he put his arms around her shoulders, she seemed to be in the verge of tears.

That simply wouldn't do. There was no way anyone was allowed to make Brielle cry. Jack licked his lips, it was time to get rid of Trisha.

"It was great meeting you." said Jack sweetly to Trisha. "Brielle and I will be visiting a couple of places in Frankfurt before we go back."

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