Chapter 49

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"I can't believe they kicked us out." whined Axky as he, Paula, Brielle and Jack strolled out of the British Embassy and sat down on the benches at the bus stop. It was the wee hours of the morning and there was hardly any one around.

"You tried to have sex on the office floor, I think they were kind not to lock you up for public indecency." drawled Jack, quickly shutting him up.

Paula let out a nervous laugh as Brielle tried to dispel the tension.

"So  are you guys hungry?" asked Brielle holding up the enormous grocery bag. "I got pizza. Lots of it."

Jack turned suddenly and kissed her full on the mouth. "I love you so much." he said grabbing the bag. "I am so hungry right now, I can probably eat all of this."

Brielle giggled as she pecked his cheek. He was so sexy right now, with his hair disheveled and shirt crumpled. If she didn't know any better, this qualified as a sexy-just-out-of-bed look. She couldn't wait to get home and have him all to herself.

Axky snorted from behind them. "Yeah right. You eat any of that and lose your abs." he said snarkily. "It's better if you eat a low fat diet and leave this greasy stuff to us lesser mortals---"

"Axky?" said Jack menacingly. Brielle knew that if he ever looked at her like that she'd be running far away, arms flailing. Her eyes met Paula's and both women smiled in mutual agreement.

"Yes, Jackie bumpkins?" asked Axky patronizingly, enjoying himself. He was really pushing Jack's limits today, but for some reason Jack didn't get riled up at all.

"Aren't you going to tell Brielle why you left her behind?" asked Jack innocently.

This stumped Axky. His eyes darted towards Brielle and Paula and then back at Jack. "I---it can wait." he said quickly.

"No it can't." cut in Brielle anger flaring in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me anything? I had been searching non stop yesterday for Paula and you neglect to tell me if you found something?"

Axky held up his hands in surrender, as he backed away a few steps. Jack thought it was a prudent time to start on the pizzas. He opened up a box and took out two large slices. He handed a piece to Paula and bit into the other one.

"This is good." said Paula reveling in the saucy, cheesy deliciousness. Jack nodded contentedly as they both looked on at the scene in front of them.

"Paula means a lot to me too you know!" shouted Brielle in frustration.

"Really?" asked Axky skeptically taking a step closer to Brielle. His own anger was rising now. If Brielle didn't know why he left her behind, she didn't need to know anything more about him and Paula anymore.

"Of course you idiot!" said Brielle irritably stepping closer too. She was not going to back down just because Axky had no answer for her.

"Fine." said Axky slowly. "Then tell me what is Paula's favourite colour?"

"You never tell me anything, you're always ignoring me----what? Favourite colour?" said Brielle stopping to think. She didn't know that. How could she, when all they ever spoke of was : Brielle this and Brielle that?

"I-I don't know." she confessed.

Jack sighed as he looked at Paula, to see ho she was taking it. The woman didn't look in the least upset. She was smiling to herself as she ate her next pizza slice.

"How do you think you would have reacted if I brought you here, and Paula told me about her biggest fears?" demanded Axky. He was close enough to Brielle to speak in a low voice, so only she could hear him.

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