The JBA tea party

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Hi guys!

Welcome to the Jack, Brielle and Andy tea party! All types of refreshments are available, make yourselves at home :-)

Warning: extreme out-of -character-ness is displayed in the following. Just a bit of fun since I figured the story's been a bit too serious lately.


Jack *opening the door* : Everyone, Andy is here!

Andy *beams and waves* : Hi guys!

Brielle *stabbing her sandwich with a fork violently* : About time. We have a lot of questions for you.

Andy *looking slightly afraid*: Um okay. Can we talk over tea?

Jack *whispers to Andy* : Sure. But take it from me, its a lot easier to run on an empty stomach.

Andy *surprised, sitting down at the table* : What do you---?

Brielle *noisily stuffing twenty cubes of sugar in her cup* : Why do you write my character this way? Its really annoying. Unpleasant stuff just keeps happening to me, can't I have a bit of peace for once?

Andy *looks sideways for Jack but he's disappeared* : Well, um, you know, I kind of have a plot and a story I need to stick to. Sorry for the trouble. A lot of readers love your character. They've told me themselves. They say your bravery and strength inspires them.

Brielle *calming down and pouring tea in her cup, which immediately overflowed* : Really?

Andy *nodding vigorously* : Yes!

Brielle * smiling happily* : Well I am kind of awesome. What do they think of Jack?

Andy *sighing with relief* : You certainly are. Jack's got a lot of fans too. Whenever you're in trouble, (because of me) everyone is always cheering him on.

Brielle *beaming*: Well he is quite adorable sometimes.

Andy *nodding*: Speaking of Jack where is he?

Brielle *narrows her eyes* : He's run off, hasn't he? Well we'll just have to eat the chocolate cake ourselves.

Andy *jumping up and down happily* : There's cake? Where?

Brielle * lifts a rounded cover off a plate in the tiny table behind them* : It should be under this---its gone!

Andy *pointing to the balcony* : Look! Its Jack with chocolate all over his face. He ate the whole cake!

Brielle *angrily* : How dare you! Come down and share it with us.

Jack *sticking out his tongue triumphantly* : Can't. Its all over.

Brielle *glaring daggers at him* : I hate you.

Andy *heartbroken* : You ate it all? I think I hate you too.

Brielle *a wicked smile forming* : Andy, why don't you and I get together and write a plot making his life miserable instead of mine?

Andy *smiling too* : Sure.

Jack *looking alarmed* : Hey wait! I'm sorry!

*Andy and Brielle start discussing* : we could get him to fall into a shark tank...or get chased by an angry racoon...or ...maybe have him marry Zachary...or...

Jack *yelling from the balcony* : I said I'm sorry! *everyone ignores him* Oh come on!


A/N : What would you do at such a tea party? Especially if someone ate the entire cake?

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