Andy's tiny message

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Hi everyone!

Just wanted to say how much I love you guys. I hope you are enjoying the story. New update is in the works. A big thank you to each one of you for supporting this story.  

This book is ranked at present at 606 in Romance, with 4300 reads and counting. You guys make me so happy. I have this smile on my face all day and people wonder why. But you know the reason.

lots of love,


A little fun:  

( warning, very out of character)

Brielle *sulking*: I don't know telepathy. It wouldn't kill you to use your vocal chords sometimes.

Jack *laughing uncontrollably* : It's not my fault you can't take hints. Besides telepathy is easy.

Brielle *scowling* : Do you even know what telepathy is ? And stop laughing. I'd rather you be all serious and stuff.

Jack *giving a charming smile* : Telepathy is the art of transmitting and reading thoughts on a person's mind.

Brielle *sighing* : As if you can?

Jack *pulls Brielle flush against him* : I know you're thinking how handsome I am.

Brielle *shakes head* : Wrong.

Jack *smile vanishing* : Really?

Brielle *triumphantly walking away* : I'm thinking that your fly is open.


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