Chapter 27

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Brielle's head was spinning as she awakened to a loud crash outside. She drearily looked around, and found to her dismay she was still inside the dark, grey cellar. She touched the top of her head, the pain seemed to have multiplied many-fold now that the chloroform had worn off, but the bleeding had at least stopped.

She sat up, peering through the tiny space between the door hinge and the wall. She gasped when she saw a light.

"Help me!" she screamed, banging her fists on the solid metal wall. A piercing white light was immediately aimed at her. It came brightly through the tiny hole, and almost blinded Brielle.

There was a jingling of keys, and Brielle froze in fear. This person had the keys to her prison! That could only mean one thing. Her current rescuer was probably also her kidnapper. Had she made a mistake by asking for help? She didn't know what she preferred, to be subjected to abuse in the hands of her assaulter or die unfound and unnoticed in the underground cell.

She heard the lock being opened slowly and held her breath as the door opened, to reveal a familiar face. All the colour drained from her face as she looked up at him.

Zachary Jones. The man who had put her through so much. What was he doing here? How did he know she had been kidnapped? She had not seen her attacker, had it been him who had abducted her? Brielle had no time to think, she needed to act fast. She cursed mentally as her fatigued body took too long to get ready.

"I'll take that." he said bending down and grabbing the diamond ring that had fallen out of her grasp.

Taking advantage of him looking away, Brielle stood up in an instant, and pushed out through the door, swiftly. She was out of the cellar, but before she could trap Zachary inside, he shoved the door open.

She turned on her heel, attempting to run, but he was too quick and strong for her. He grabbed her wrists and twisted her arms behind her, making her cry out in pain. He trapped her body against his, so her back was pressed to his chest.

"You're still as fiery as ever." commented Zachary, sounding unperturbed. "Did you honestly think you could escape from me again?"

"Let go of me, you sick bastard." said Brielle, trying to kick him. He twisted her arms further and she screamed, immediately stopping her struggle.

"Listen carefully Brielle." he drawled, his face on her exposed neck. His breath against her skin made her feel sick. Not to mention the wound on her head was making her dizzy.

"You've hurt yourself." he remarked. "How foolish."

"What do you want from me?" she asked between deep pants. She was losing strength fast and was having difficulty breathing.

"Nothing in particular. Though I want to sleep with you, at least once." he said, licking behind her ear. Brielle started struggling again. "I want to see just how creamy the skin on your thighs is..."

"Is that all?" she asked resignedly. "Then I accept."

"What?" asked Zachary, so surprised, he almost released her. "You don't mind?"

"If the reason you've put me through hell is because you wanted to have sex with me, then go ahead. Do it. I was ready to give you my virginity that fateful night Zachary. I was in love with you. If you hadn't set up the cameras and become so violent, we might already have ---" said Brielle monotonously.

In a split second, he turned her around, pulling her close to him, no longer hurting her wrists. He lifted her tear stained face with his fingers, a new tenderness in them. Brielle refused to look into his eyes. She didn't move as he crashed his lips against hers.

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