Chapter 32

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Axky chuckled to himself. Everything he did in his life was sudden, he never gave a preamble to anyone, not even to himself. He wasn't the sort of calculating, scheming, plotting kind of guy. His work was that of a freelance ethical hacker, where he made millions of dollars every month. He lived a lazy life where he liked to work fast and relax later. His assignments were usually over and done with much before their due date, just so he could lounge about in his pool for the rest of the time.

Similar to the rest of his personality, love happened fast for him too. He'd met a lot of girls, but Paula had caught his eye. He fell in love quickly, and was eager to move on to the better things about being in love, getting married.

And so he proposed to the girl he'd fallen in love with and she had almost killed them all by crashing into a traffic pole. 

"WHAT?" yelled Brielle from the backseat appalled. "You are proposing now?"

"Well yes. It's quite romantic wouldn't you agree?" asked Axky turning to look at her. Brielle opened her mouth to tell him she heartily disagreed but he cut her off.

"Anyway, Paula ignore Niagara Falls at the backseat." said Axky turning back to face Paula. "What do you say to coming away with me to be my wife?"

"Axky, we just met a few hours ago, and marriage is a big step." said Paula as she recovered from his proposal. She swerved the rickety car back onto a pitch road without slowing down. All three of them jumped as the car jerked at the sudden height. There was very little traffic on the road, as they were still in the outskirts of the town, and Paula took full advantage of it. The speedometer of the old broken down car seemed never to have recorded such high numbers.

"I believe in love at first sight," whispered Axky leaning towards Paula's ear as she blushed a deep red. Brielle groaned from the backseat, irritated by their lovey-dovey banter. She thought it was a terrible time to be in amorous pursuits, when Jack was so hurt and barely hanging on to dear life. 

Oh who am I kidding? thought Brielle. Axky's looking at her the way I look at Jack. He's whipped. Come on, Brielle. You don't have to be jealous, your own proposal was way more romantic than this name-calling jerk's.

"Axky, I ---" protested Paula as she nervously stepped harder on the accelerator. The car blazed past two stop signs. A pair of policemen whistled at them signalling them to stop. Brielle watched wide eyed as they got on their bikes to follow them.

"Paula the police are after us, we're speeding---" said Brielle panicking. Axky sighed resignedly, it would be a while before he could hear Paula's decision whether or not to marry him.

"They won't catch us. Don't worry." said Paula as the car speed reached 200 km/hr and Brielle could barely differentiate the trees from the sky as they whizzed past. 

"That was so sexy." commented Axky as he looked in awe as the policemen were left behind in a storm of dust. Paula blushed a deep scarlet. "Do you think I'm sexy?"

There was a short pause as Paula refused to relax her foothold on the accelerator. Brielle's head was spinning, and her teeth were chattering, the poor vehicle had probably never been used at such high speeds before. Come to think of it, how did Axky get the car to us in the first place if he couldn't drive?

Brielle's thoughts were derailed by Paula's answer to Axky's question.

"I do think you are." she said blushing like a tomato. Only she was redder. "Sexy. Um I mean, I really like you, you're chivalrous and you're loyal---"

"I think I'm gonna be sick." said Brielle clutching her stomach and lying down on the backseat.

Axky chuckled as he took Paula's free hand into his own. "So do you want to get to know me a bit better? Go on a couple of dates before you say yes? We can go straight to the more -than- friends- almost- lovers part."

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