Chapter 46

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Brielle bit her lip as she finally closed the door. The last police officer had left.

Vicky was fast asleep and that made a lot of things easier. Even the little girl had been questioned by the police, but she had been very co-operative. Brielle was so proud of her for being such a strong girl.

"I have to be strong for Aunty Paula." declared Vicky. "I miss her. She'll come back won't she?"

Axky, who usually was so chirpy only pulled Vicky in for a tight hug. "Uncle Axky certainly hopes so."

Vicky had been very morose because Brielle and Axky were sad, but she hid it well. "Everything will be better in the morning." she said wisely when she found Axky sitting alone in his room holding his head in his hands in frustration.

Axky smiled at the little girl's wisdom. "Thanks Vicky." he said ruffling her hair.

"You can cry Axky." she whispered embracing him with her tiny hands. Axky was surprised but he held her close. It was only when she had fallen fast asleep in his arms that he silently cried into her hair.


 It had been by far the longest day of her life.

Brielle thought it was very cowardly if Paula had run away, simply because she was afraid of commitment. And she had every intention of giving the woman a piece of her mind. After finding her of course, and convincing her to stay, that is.

It was a pity that she wasn't sure if that was the true reason Paula was missing. She hoped that it was why she was missing, because it was the least scary of all the possibilities.

It didn't help that all kinds of terrible thoughts were circulating in her head: what if someone had abducted Paula, what if she was in pain, what if someone hurt her, what if she was all alone and lost and ---

She shook her head. It wouldn't do to dwell in her thoughts. She needed to do something.

"What's wrong?" asked Jack as soon as he heard her voice. He was still at the office working late that night to catch up on his work.

"Jack, P-Paula's missing." choked out Brielle. She couldn't help the tears that fell from cheeks as she looked at the batch of cookies made by Paula. She had never felt less hungry in her life. "She's been missing since this morning."

"This morning? And you are telling me now?" demanded Jack looking at his watch. It was past one o' clock, and all he could see outside his window was pitch black.

"Axky tried---he looked everywhere, but we can't f-find her." said Brielle swallowing back tears.  "Oh Jack, I'm so sorry I didn't call earlier. I thought she'd come home by now."

"Did you inform the police?" asked Jack as he slung his coat over his shoulder and raced out of his office. Work would have to wait.

"Yes, they're looking too." said Brielle. "A couple of officers questioned us a while ago. Do you think she m-may have left the country?"

"To return to Thailand? She was terribly unhappy there. She wouldn't go back unless she had no choice." said Jack firmly. "Now tell me have you and Axky eaten anything since then?"

"No." said Brielle biting her lip. Her stomach grumbled and she felt light headed.

"Eat something now. Force feed Axky if you have to. I'll be home in twenty okay?"

"Okay. I love you." said Brielle smiling weakly. Even with just a few words, he was able to make her feel better instantly. She didn't know what she would do without him.

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