Chapter 30

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"----bloody---hell----" wheezed Brielle once she had hauled herself out. She clutched her chest tightly as she tried to calm her thundering heart.  The rope she had climbed was quickly pulled up and rolled together by her 'saviour' . She were seated on the grass just above the basement cell she had been imprisoned in. Tall trees and woods surrounded her as she looked around. 

The gaping hole in the ground was staring back at her. Thankfully, none of the Kormins or Jones had come to investigate the little blast that had taken place. The bomb should ideally have drawn more attention.

"Hey Pouting Prissy, we really need to get out of here." 

 She was so upset and hurt---What did he just call her?

Pouting Prissy???

"Who the hell are you?" she snapped defensively crossing her arms over her chest.

"Now is that a way to address the handsome man who rescued you?" said the man an inappropriate grin gracing his lips. Brielle felt the sudden urge to hit him, just so he would stop being so cheerful.

"I don't know who you are or why you rescued me, but but ---" the words died in her throat and she began to wish she had remained in her little confinement. 


Nothing felt worthy of effort anymore: seeing, smelling, breathing, touching...everything was hollow, meaningless, unnecessary and unwanted. 



Her tears would never be enough...

... to let him know how much she loved him.

It was too late.

Brielle felt the tears slide down her cheeks. She had experienced the loss of loved ones once before in her short life. Her parents had passed away a few years ago, when she was only seventeen. It had taken a lot out of her, both emotionally and physically, to continue with her life and resume smiling. Her chest clenched under her suppressed sobs as she choked back further tears. 

Why does everything I love turn to dust?

"Um, earth calling. Helloooooo. mind telling me why you're all monsoony after I set you free?" broke in a boyish voice, cutting insensitively through her gloom. He waved his hand in front of her, trying to wake her from her stupor.

Monsoony? Which idiot---it was the man who'd helped her out. What a drag, she had forgotten about him. 

Brielle squinted up at him looking defeated, unable to muster the strength to fight him with so much as words. She decided to tell him what was bothering her, hoping he'd just leave her alone.

"Jack's dead."  Hell, if he even knew who Jack was.

The man's childish face broke into a grave look of horror. For a moment Brielle was rather pleased to revel in his misery.

"He's WHAT? The bastard can't die yet. This wasn't part of the deal." he exclaimed confusion evident all over his face. He pulled Brielle to her feet suddenly, who cried out in pain. 

He looked at her sheepishly. "Sorry about that. Please tell me where he is?"

"In front of the room I was in. Just outside the steel door." said Brielle. She didn't know anything about her companion or why he was so concerned, but she felt a sudden likening towards him because he seemed to care about Jack. "Had you known him or something? Were you his friend?"

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