Q & A

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Hi everyone!

Many thanks to all of you for supporting this story. I can't believe we have crossed 2500 reads already.

I know some of you may be having some questions regarding the story or myself, such as the inspiration for the tale or the origin of the name Brielle.

Feel free to ask them in the comments below or PM me your questions. I will try to answer them in the next update.

Lots of love,


A tiny bit of Out Of Character-ness that's fun to write:

Brielle *clapping her hands together excitedly*: So I heard you're getting married.

Jack *busy eating a sandwich and simultaneously typing on his computer* : Yes

Brielle *wiggling her eyebrows* : Aren't you a lucky guy... so who's the girl?

Jack *swallowing with difficulty* : I don't believe in luck and I'm not telling you yet.

Brielle (sarcastically) *blowing a raspberry* :Well aren't you an optimist?

Jack *finally looking up at her* : I would say that I am. My bride doesn't know I'm marrying her.

Brielle *jaw drops open* : Are you an idiot? Wait I know you are.

Jack (irritably) : How so? I always get what I want.

Brielle (thoughtfully) *looking at her shoe* : Well if it were me I'd obviously say no.

Jack *closing his laptop*: Who cares what you'd do...wait you're saying you'll refuse?

P. S. The picture is that of Axky aka Leslie

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