Levi's Secret

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Most people have something in their lives that they like to keep hidden from the rest of the world.That said, some of us keep secrets better than others.

Meet Levi Walters, the quiet boy at the corner seat in the class. He seems unremarkable and easy to forget about. He doesn't talk to too many people and prefers to avoid the limelight. He maintains decent grades and is quite athletic. But he has never won any awards or played for the football team. His curly brown hair falls uncaringly on his face and thin rimmed glasses case his black eyes. He isn't breathtakingly handsome, but he is quite pleasing to the eye. He is tall, but not imposingly so and his voice is deep, not enough to be sexy, but just enough to promise something. It is as though he is good, but never good enough to command anyone's attention. He is almost frustratingly ordinary.

Victoria Fannington is afraid of a lot of things. Sometimes, of everything. She has plenty of phobias. Vertigo hits her harder than most and elevators terrify her. Her fear of water never let her learn how to swim, her paranoia towards insects kept her indoors most of her childhood and the sight of blood spun her head like a fidget spinner.

But what she fears the most is talking to boys. Every time she makes an attempt to talk to any guy her age, anxiety kicks in like clockwork. Her limbs shake, sweat glazes her forehead and she stutters.

It didn't help that she was home-schooled for nine years before her parents let her go to an all girl's school. By the time she was sixteen, she realized maybe her handicap of speaking to the opposite sex was incurable.

Neither of them thought their lives would ever change. But, sometimes, mysteriously glorious things happen when you least expect it.

And what is love if it isn't magic?

He rarely speaks.

She barely speaks.

So if they go on a date..one has to wonder who's going to do the talking?

Levi's Secret published now.

check it out here: https://www.wattpad.com/570917802-levi%27s-secret-prologue

New updates every three days. Join Vicky in her journey to overcome her challenges and find love.

Thank you everyone! For everything :)

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