Chapter 2- Friends with others

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Gray's POV
I really missed my friend Juvia Lockser. We need some catching up to do and Well things are doing great.

"Brats I am going to announce that we have a new member in our guild." Master said.

"Do you think the new one is a he or a she?"
"I can't wait to meet him or her"

People around me are too excited... Until, "Please welcome..."

Wait... I know her... Its a her... And I know her...(A/N: Yeah Yeah... You already said that... Gray: You are the one making this story you stupid author A/N: Hey! At least I am not a stripper... Gray: Why you!!! Ice make~ Erza: *pops out of nowhere* Enough *requips a sword* A/N and Gray: H-Hai... Erza: Ok back to the story)

"Mina san please take care of Juvia..." I knew it its Juvs she joined the guild thank goodness I can see her again...

"Hey Juvs You joined the Guild..." I said and the others having a confused look

"Isn't she one of the Element 4?" Natsu asked

"Well yeah but she isn't anymore, right Juvs?" I said looking at Juvs

"Hai Gray-sama" Juvs answered

"By the way Gray why do you call her Juvs?" Mira asked while chuckling

"Well she is my Bestfriend ever since we were born" I told Mira

"Ok! So Juvia me and the girls were talking and we wanted to throw a welcome party for you..." Mira asked Juvs

I was kind off thinking because Juvs is a shy type and she is always quiet I thought to myself that she needs to have more friends.(A/N:Look he is concerned and all... Gray: Hey Shut it *giving a death glare* A/N: A-Aye Well then Gray ruined the fun so back to the story)

I walked over to Juvs because Juvia didnt know what to do...

"She would love too." I said while Juvia giving me a 'What! Are you Serious' look

I just ignored it. The girls squilead.

"Ok Gray drop her off later at Lucy's place..." Mira said

When I heard Lucy's name my heart pound louder and beats faster. Whenever she is near me she gives me butterflies in my stomach. My world stops when we have an eye contact. And ever word that comes from her mouth is like I want and need her. Could it be that I am in love...

Ok another chappie was done sorry of its short but I still want to thank you all for supporting this story. I really appriciate all the support...

I hope no one hates me

Im out... please vote, like and comment... Thanks once again

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