Chapter 3- The welcome Party and Jealousy

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Juvia's POV
Graysama asked me to come with him outside.

"Juvs I think you should have more nakama" Graysama said

"Why is Graysama telling Juvia this?" I asked although I know what he was refering too cause I know him too much

"Of course so they can see the real Juvs that I have known for a long time." Graysama replied.

"Ok Juvia will." I said

Graysama hugged me tightly and I felt really warm inside well my body is made of water so I felt it heating up a bit. I liked it. I like it whenever Graysama is near me, protects me,helps me and comforts me. ( A/N: He likkkkeeeesss him~ Juvia: Maybe A/N: I need you to be a couple later on Juvia: *turning red as Erza's hair* Youre one of Mira san's friends arent you Match making author A/N: Cant answer that.. Back with the story)

Graysama dropped me by Lucysan's place. I knocked on the door and It opened by itself, creepy. The lights where turned off. Until I stepped inside and saw everyone. They Jumped and surpised me.

We sang. Ate and played games all night. We played truth or dare. As for me they told me that Mira Jane is a matchmaker and ships any OTP that she thinks is cute together like Nalu, Jerza, Gale and many more. I really find it weird well I dont understand it like What the hell is Gruvia.

The truth or dare went like this...

"Ok let me start off..." Mira said... Oh No!!!

"I want to start of with... Hmmm... So many OTP in my mind I dont know it anymore... Ok si lets start off with Levy!!!" Mira said with a smirk on her face and stares at Levy and Gajeel.

"What!!!" Levy shouted

"OK Levy truth or dare?" Mira the she-demon match maker said

"Dare!" Levy said trying to hide hesitations

"I dare you to sit on Gajeel's lap until the end of the game!!!" A squeling Mira said

Then when Levy was about to stand up. Gajeel carried Levy and sat her on his lap... Awww so cute

"So we are having fun are we next up is you Luchan" Levy said as she was pointing at Lucysan

"Ok... just stop looking at me like that" Lucysan said

"Truth or dare Luchan" Levy asked innocently while we can see the smirk on her face

"Truth" Lucysan answered

"Is it true that you like someone with a childish attitude, has a pink hair, he has a talking blue cat that can be annoying and has the powers to slay a dragon with fire and he looooovvvveeeessss to eat and crashed your house anytime he wants..."Levy said with a teasing tone...

"Maybe"Lucy san said but then Levy gave her a 'Really' look.

"Ok Yes!" Lucy said

"Wooo hoooo! Nalu all the way!!!" Mira shouted

" We get it now Mira so Shut it!" Lucy gave Mira a very killing death glare.

"Its my turn to have fun now!!! Erza truth or dare" Lucy turned to Erzasan

" Dare" Erza said proudly

"Ok I dare you to stand up proudly and admit that you reallllllyyyyy looooovvvvveeeee Jellal more than you care about your self!" Lucy ordered Erza

Erza's face turned as red as her hair and Stand up straight and said" I admit I really love Jellal more that I care for my self"

"Thank you for the wonderful confession from Jerza" Mira again teased

"Well now its Juvia's turn... Juvia truth or dare?" Its finally my turn

"Juvia prefers Truth" I said

Graysama looked at me and soon whispered to my ear that I will do great with more friends

"Ok so tell us the truth... Who do you Like?" Erza said

"Well Juvia like Graysama as a friend, does that count?" I said

" No I ment was the one you like in another way" Erza said wiggling her eyebrows

"Ohhh so much of the act... Why cant Gruvia be together?!" Mira said

"Sorry but Juvia dont have anyone in her heart right now..." i said but I really dont know(A/N:*sobs* but I thought *sobs* you and Graysama are perfect together*sobs* Juvia: Juvia doesnt know A/N: Sorry Gruvia fans but they let us down*still sobbing but harder* Back with the story)

Timeskip~ After the Game ~

" Bye mina san Juvia hopes we see each other tomorrow..." I waved goodbye

But then I totally forgot about my jacket at Lucysan's place... I went back until I heard Graysama's voice..

"Gray sa--" I was about to call him when...

"Damn it how Do I confess to her" Graysama said

"Lucy I like you I can see myself with you or Lucy I love you we should be together...  Damn it!!!" Graysama continued

When I thought that Graysama likes Lucy my heart shattered into a billion pieces...
Is it because I am Jealous? But do I like Graysama? Ugh!!! I dont know I hate this feeling!!! When I felt something wet from my eyes and I just ignored it and wiped them of... I was going to get my Jacket when I saw it inside my bag... I just walked away and it started to rain...

Another chappie done!!! Sorry for Gruvia and Im sorry to Juvia for hurting her

I think I dislike Gralu because I cant see the chemistry in them...

Love is hard sometimes but gets easier when shared by someone

A one-sided love can be tough but sometimes it takes a little time, hope and faith for it to bloom and reach the other

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