Chapter 6- Relax for a while

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Gray's POV
Juvia was really helping me with Lucy but Why do I have this feeling that Juvia will just disappear one day. I hope that doesn't happen cause Juvs really is a Dear Friend to me and I dont want to lose her.

Juvia's POV
I getting more hurt inside while I am Helping the man I love to get the woman he wants. I am just so really hurt but I still managed to keep all the pain inside. Erza and Mira on the other hand was really helping me they were the only ones who understands my feelings.

Erza's POV
This passed few days Juvia started to have sleepless nights, tearful experiences and she is eating less than usual. I can really tell that she is really hurt inside. She has a broken heart.

Mira and I was talking to each other since I told her about Juvia's problem. Mira was really crying after she knew about the problem cause she was shipping Gruvia like me. I told Mira because I trust her.

"Erza since you know Juvia's schedule for the day can we help her to relax for a bit... Like take her to where she wanted to go or do the things she wanted to do?" Mira said

"Well Juvia has loads of free time today since it is Saturday so maybe we could ask her." I said

"Lets go to her now..." Mira said

We went to Juvia's place to see her look like a mess. Maybe we should really help her cause I dont want her to end up like me. Because I had more love problems with someone no one ever knew except for me and the other guild members that was close to me.

"Mira san, Erza san what are you doing here?" Juvia said

"We came here to help you..." Mira said

"Juvia we are here to treat you..." I said

"So what do you wanna do today or where do you want to go to relax and we will go there?" I added

"Well... Juvia really wanted to go to the beach today..." Juvia said in a low voice that almost cracked because she isnt really well today like the other days.

"Ok lets go there..." Mira said

We managed to go to the beachresort called Akane Island. We really wanted to help Juvia relax for a bit.

Juvia then went to get her bikini and we also did the same and we went by the shore and sat on the sand.

"Juvia we really want to help you so please just tell us... Is your heart really that broken for you to be depressed like that?" I asked Juvia

She nodded. Mira then said"Juvia if your really that hurt please-" Mira was cut off when Juvia's phone rang.

Masayume Chasing, Chasing~

"Hello... Well..." Juvia was talking with someone over the phone.

I came closer to Juvia and I knew that it was Gray. I was going to Grab Juvia's phone when Mira took it before I did. I can see Mira's dark aura around her like she was using her magic. The she-demon began to speak really angry "YOU STUPID LITTLE DUMB IDIOT STOP INTERFIRING WITH JUVIA'S LIFE AND JUST SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH AND GET A LIFE!!! JUVIA HAS FEELINGS SO DONT GO AND INTERUPT OUR GIRLS OUTING OR ELSE I WILL MAKE YOU PAY YOUR LIFE OUT!!!"

Me and Juvia was really shocked with Mira cursing Gray over the phone. Amd then again, Mira became our sweet dear friend again.

"Mirasan, Erza san that is Graysama he needs my help again so-" Juvia said

"No!" Mira and I said in Unison...

"Ehhhh? H-H-Ha-Hai..." Juvia said

We swam. Ate. Relaxed. Go to the spa and We just Enjoyed the rest of the day.

At least by this Juvia can relax a bit. Juvia was back to her cheerful self again.

Gray's POV
What was that? Juvia Ignoring me and but she wasnt the one who cursed me cause Juvia is too kind to say that to me and that voice is familiar too... Oh No... I just pissed off the one and only... Mirajane Strauss the she Demon.

Another chappie done... I would like to thank juvia_uchiha2001 because she was the one who inspired me to continue this story..

Now you know how crazy mad Mira can be...

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