Chapter 43- Most Awaited Day

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Juvia's POV

Today is the day that I've been waiting for. I am nervous yet so excited. To become one with the one I love is the thing I've always wished for. After the troublesome and stressful preparations and planning, here it is now.

"Juvia!" Lucy had a warning time in her voice. "Quit crying already. You're ruining your make up." She scolded me. I can't help it.

These emotions I feel deep within me are too big for my body alone. I couldn't help but let it all out. "I'm sorry. I'm just too emotional today." I apologized

I got a tissue from the box and wiped my tears away. "You can continue now." I told the make up artist and she continued her work.

This day will celebrate our love, just me and Gray. Just thinking about us makes me so overwhelmed and warm inside.

Me and Gray went through a lot yet here we are, about to stand by the altar with our friends, family and God as our witness.

After a while, the make up artist finished her work and the girls helped me put on my dress.

I keep telling myself, This is it. I'm going to tie the knot with my love. And from this day forward, we'll be staying in love with each other and build a family of our own.

Hours later, the preparations were done. It was time to walk down the aisle, to walk towards my future and my life.

The car brought me to the church. I breathe in and out as the car got closer to our destination. And when the car stopped, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest.

This is it. This is it.

Those words keep on repeating inside my head. As I got out of the car, I saw the others walking down the aisle and I was the last one to walk there along with my papa.

I saw papa there, standing with a big smile on his face. I walked to him and he enveloped me into a hug. I heard papa sniff that's when I knew that he was crying.

"Papa..." I utter as I hug him tighter.

"My baby girl is getting married now." He said and sniffed. I could feel my tears starting to swell up in my eyes. "You're going to leave me now. My princess is leaving me now." I frowned at what he said and I let him go.

I looked at papa seriously. "Papa... I'm not leaving you." I started. "I will always, always be princess. It just happens that I'm becoming his queen today. But that doesn't mean that I'm leaving you. You will always have me as your daughter no matter what."

I saw him tear up and he pulled me into a hug once more. "Oh... My baby girl is such a big girl now."

I laughed at his remark. "Dad, I'm an adult now and about to have my own baby. Quit treating me like a five year old."

I heard him laughed as well. "I can't help it."

After our emotional talk, the organizer called us. We are about to walk down the aisle.

I felt myself smile very widely. This is it. I don't know how many times I've said that but all I know is that I'm so happy right now.

"Another day,
Without your smile,
Another day just passes by,
But now I know,
How much it means,
For you to stay,
Right here with me."I heard a voice sang. I then saw him... I saw Gray singing.

I smiled at him while tears streaming down from my eyes. I can't help it. I'm too happy right now. I'm getting married to the love of my life and I'm filled with nothing but warmth and happiness inside.

"The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger,
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer,
I wanna grow old with you,
I wanna die lying in your arms,
I wanna grow old with you,
I wanna be looking in your eyes,
I wanna be there for you,
Sharing everything you do,
I wanna grow old with you." He looked into my eyes and I can see the same happiness filling up his.

The song ended when me and papa arrived the altar. He gave my hand to Gray while threatening him. I laughed at that scene a little.

"Now off you go and be happy." Papa said as he left.

I looked towards Gray only to see him looking at me as well. "You look ao beautiful today." He said while looking at me with his loving eyes.

"You look handsome as always." I said with a giggle.

We both faced the priest, hand in hand. "We're all gathered here today to witness this man and woman become one." The priest started.

Time skip~ (A/N: Meh. I don't know much of how a wedding really goes like.)

"You may exchange rings and vows." The priest said.

Smiling, I get the ring in my hand as I state my vow. "Take this ring as a sign of my fidelity, trust and love. With this ring, I promise you only one thing and it is that I will love you not just until my last breath but as well in my next life. I promise you nothing but my love and faithfulness to you and nothing else because I don't want to say a lot of promises that I would end up disappointing you with later on. I will always take care of you and cherish you. I will never leave you and I will always stay by you. In sickness and in health, for richer or poorer. I will be with you through it all." I said my vow as I put the ring in his hand.

Then it was Gray's turn to say his vow and put the ring on me. He got the ring and smiled at me. Before he say or did anything, he put my hand into his and pressed a gentle kiss on it.

"Juvia. I am no perfect man, I know that you know that. I make mistakes and I disappoint you most of times but... You never left me. You never hated me for those mistakes and for my flaws. You always understood me despite of everything. So, today." He started to slip on the ring on my finger. "I want you to take this ring as a sign of every promise that I will forever keep. I won't be the guy to break them, Instead I'll be the one to make and keep them. I'll always stay faithful to you, you will be the only woman I'll love in this way for the rest of my life. I'll be your warmth when your cold, I'll be your pillow to share your dreams with, I'll be your home that you'll always go to by every end of each day. I'll be the living promise of every thing that I just told you this day. With God as our witness, I promise you a lifetime. And I promise you that I'll still end up finding you in our next life. I love you very very much." I cried upon hearing his vows.

This was him. The man I love so true. He is my truth, my reality. He is the one that's true to me.

I'm happy that I get to have the rest of my life with him.

"I now pronounce you as man and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Every now and then I think to myself, what if I never left back then? What if he never loved someone else? What if we were never friends? What if- there is just too much what ifs. But now, I realized. I don't have to think of the what ifs. I just have to find what's true to me and fight for it.

And that's what happened. Me and Gray found what's true to us. We finally found what's true to us.

He leaned towards me until our lips met. He gave me a gentle and loving kiss. I smiled against his lips and I felt him do the same.

This should be our happily ever after but I know that a new chapter is just about to start. With me, Gray and a family of our own.

Now.... That was nice. This is the final chapter! I hope you liked it. It's been so long since I updated this crappy work of mine. That's it. I'll be posting the epilogue once I feel like doing so. I'm such a lazy author. I know. Hehe.

That is all! Thank you for reading!

-Kookie 💙

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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