Chapter 12- What I need...

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Gray's POV
Everything seems fine but why do I feel so off today. Today is Saturday. Usually Juvia visits me before the accident. But now since she is at the hospital maybe its time for me to visit her

Well eversince that day, I felt that I want to see her, hear her sweet voice, look at her innocent baby blue eyes, I feel like I cant stop thinking about her and many more.

Since its Saturday, I might as well go now.

I took a bath, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I then went to my car and drove off to the hospital.

When I got there I went to the room. But its locked. Why is it locked?

I went to the nurse's counter.

"What can I do for you, sir?" The nurse asked

"Well I was wonder where Juvia Lockser might be?" I asked

"Sir, Will you please tell me what is your relationship with the patient?" The nurse asked

"Well I am her bestfriend..." I told her

She was looking through some files and then sadly looked at me.

"Im sorry to tell sir but she is discharged..." The nurse explained

"Ok thanks I guess." With that I left the hospital.

I went to her apartment....

I knocked.

I knocked like 50 times but there was no answer.

I went to her land lady's office.

"Mrs. Kaori... Are you in your office right now?" I asked

"Who is it?" Mrs. Kaori asked

"Well Im Gray... Juvia's Bestfriend." I answered

"You may come in." She said

"So what brings you here young man?" She asked me.

"Mrs Kaori, I want to ask where Juvia is?" I asked her

"Young man Im sorry to tell this to you but she left. Her father and brother came here and told me that Juvia will be leaving for now but unsure when she will come back." Mrs. Kaori explained

"Mrs. Kaori Do you know where she is staying right now?" I asked eagerly to know the answer

"Im sorry boy but I really dont know." She sadly said

"Thanks I'll be going now." I said leaving without even finding a clue where Juvia might be.

Maybe Erza and Mirajane knows where Juvia is but they are mad at me for no reason at all(a/n: Oh Gray are you really that dense? Gray: Shut up little girl! a/n: hey! I am not that little anymore. I am in Grade 6! Gray: Tch. Whatever A/N: So cold but I wonder what Juvia even sees in you Gray: Whatcha say Huh! Juvia: (on a job far away from here) Hachoooo~ Juvia thinks someone is talking about her. Gajeel:Oi Rain You coming or what... A/N: OK enough with the moments back with the story)

But where can you be my bestfriend? I dont know what I will do without you....

I went home so depressed because I dont have my Ju- WAIT WHAT!?!?!? What am I even thinking... Focus Gray!

"Why the sad face my baby boy?" My mom said

I just hugged my mom and sobbed.

"Ok my baby boy so what happen to my baby... Your making mama worried about her baby..." mom once again said

"Mom Juvs... I don't know where she is!" I said loud as hard as I was sobbing on my mom's shirt

"Oh..." My mom said as she was pushing me away from her but still has her hand on both of my shoulders

"My baby is.... Becoming a man!" Mom said with fake anime tears on her eyes and smirking at me

"What is it mom?" I was curious and still crying

"No son find it out on your on Im sure youll see it soon baby..." Mom said will losening the grip on my shoulders and doing what she was doing earlier.

I am confused what is she talking about!

I decided to call Erza...

Erza's POV
I was having a video call on my laptop with Juvia. Although Im really gonna miss her since papa Rave brought her to New York.

At least she will have a break from all the stress here in Magnolia, Fiore. Papa Rave now knows why she attemp suicide. He is really mad about it but then calmed down because he knows Juvia suffered a lot.

[Juvia In bold

" Erza so how was Gray?"

"Well He is ... IDK..."

"Jellal stop kidding me..."

" Oi! *Bring it on coz' Im just gonna grow up in a battle hey!* oh speaking of the devil... look whos calling.
Its your precious Graysama..."

"That's not nice though!"

I decided to put it in speaker...

Gray:Hello *sob* Erza *sob*

Erza:Gray are you crying?

Gray: That's *sob* not *sob* the *sob* point... Where is she? *sob*

Juvia looked worried and concerned.

Erza: Sorry cant really anwer that

Gray: Ple-

Erza: Bye...

Then I hung up. Now back to Juvia

"Erza you shouldve comforted him!"

" Oh! I see youre too concerned"

" Hey so blah blah blah"

[A/N: Sorry Im too lazy! ^_^]

We just talked about random stop until we bid our goodbyes.

Gray's POV

Juvia I dont know where you are or what is this pain Im feeling. One thing is for sure and that is I need you with me here.

I dont know why or how you make me feel like this but its only you who made this feeling. I need you here to comfort me. I need to see your smile. I need your cheerful voice. I need to look at your gorgeous face. I need to gaze upon your sparkling babyblue eyes. What I need is.
You and only you, Juvia Lockser!

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