I Love My Boys

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I opened my eyes to the sound of screaming and laughing. I let out a groan, feeling that morning came around too soon. I turn to my side facing Zayn. He was sound a sleep. His face looking flawless as ever. HIs lashes so long, I envied them. His hair laid on top messily. I smiled before I slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

I debated whether I should shower first or go down to check on the kids. I decided I should just brush my teeth and wash my face then go down. I wasnt sure if anyone was awake yet or not, so I wanted to make sure.

I put my hair in a pony tail and looked at my self in the mirror before grabbing the tooth brush and paste from behind the large mirror. Once i finished, I let my hair out and made my way down the stairs. 

I heard the kids playing and laughing in the living room so I made my way down there. 

"Good morning." I say once I reached the room. 

"Mommy." Mary smiles before getting up and running over to me. She jumps right as I catch her and lift her up. 

"What are you guys up to?" I ask as Joshua continues to play with Taylor and Lilly.

"We're playing pretend." Josh replies.

"Oh yeah? And who are we today?" I ask as I walk over to them.

"Im the singer mommy." Josh waves the toy microphone around.

"Im the drummer." Taylor whacks the drum sticks on the small drum set. 

"And and and Im the dancer." Lilly smiles shaking her butt from side to side slowly causing her to laugh.

"And you?" I set Mary down on the ground.

"Im the fan mommy. Im at their concert." She claps as her brother and their friends sings, drums, and dances.

"Hello hello." Niall's voice booms over my head as he places his hands on my shoulders.

"Hi daddy." Lilly waves at her father.

"Hey Princess." Niall smiles and waves back. "What are you doing baby doll?" 

"Im a dancer daddy." She says as she walks over to Niall shaking her butt. "See." She reaches him and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Wow." Niall kisses back. 

Lilly runs back to the group.

"So when did you get up?" Niall sits next to me. 

"Bout 15 minutes ago. How about you?" I ask.

"Ehh, just now." He replies. 

"Brooke still sleeping?" I lean back supporting my self.

"Yup." He nods. "Charlie?"

"Passed out." I chuckle. "When did they go to sleep?" I look over.

"Around 11:30." 

"Wows thats late." I raise an eyebrow. 

"Yeah, but they are kids with company." He laughs. "They wouldnt go to sleep until Trisha offered to read a bed time story." 

"Ah." I nod. "Ugh I ruined dinner last night." I groan.

"You didnt ruin anything." He replies. "If anything I would say we needed that. I think what happened last night will make us stronger and help us move on." He rubbed my back.

"You're probably right." I sigh.

"Good morning." Liam's voice echos through the room as he walks over to Taylor and kisses his head then walks over to us.

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