Best Of Times

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“Have fun you two.” My mother waved us from the front door. My dad was standing next to her waving as well.

I got in the car with Harry. He was wearing black chinos, a grey v-neck shirt with a black blazer on top. He had on black all stars. His hair was perfectly swooping from his left to his right. He smelled wonderful.

“So where exactly are we going?” I said once the car started moving.

Harry was driving since we didn’t was Antonis to wait up for us.

“You just have to wait and see.” He reached for my hand and entwined it with mine.

I leaned back into the chair and looked at Harry, mesmerized. I didn’t know we had stopped the car until Harry nudged me pointing it out.

I let go of his hand and looked around while he opened the door for me. We were at a beach. No one else was around. He grabbed my hand, holding it gently in his as he led me towards the beach. It was then that I saw what he had planned for us.

I gasped and looked at what he had done.

There was a dock, which had red rose petals all over it. Then there were little lamps that lead over to the end of the dock. At the end of the dock was a large flat wooden ‘boat’, which was also covered with rose petals. The boat also had laps surrounding it. In the middle of it was a table with plates and cup, with a candle lit in the middle of the table. It also had a small glass vase with 3 roses in them. There were 2 chairs, one for Harry and one for me. Then on the other side, there were a couple blankets folded neatly.

I looked over at Harry in awe. “You did this for me?” I was on the verge of tears.

“Yes. Do you like it?” he squeezed my hand before leading me on the dock.

“I love it.” I whispered still looking up at him.

After we reached the flat wooden boat, he sat me down on one of the chair. He bent down untying the boat from the dock.

“Harry how do we get back?” I asked. There was clearly no sign of a motor on this thing and I didn’t think we would row ourselves back.

“There’s a couple ropes tied to the bottom of this,” he pointed at the boat. “Which is tied to the dock. At 11:30 I asked if a couple guys could pull us back.”

He dusted his pants and sat down across from me.

“You went through all this trouble for me.” I stated more to myself than him.

“I wanted to show you how much you mean to me.” He smiled, almost blushing.

“It means a lot.” I sat up straight. “So what are we gonna eat?”

“Fajitas.” He bent down under the table.

“Harry what are you doing?” I laughed.

“Grabbing this.” He sat up putting a basket on his lap.

He slowly grabbed fajitas and put them on the plates.

“I hope fajitas are ok. I was a little rushed and I don’t really know how they turned out.”

“You made this?” I pointed to my plate.

He nodded proudly.

“You are amazing.” I laughed as he opened a bottle of wine from the basket and poured it for each of us.

After we ate, he grabbed desert, which was a chocolate coconut cream cheesecake.

“Harry thank you for this.” I grabbed his hand. “It was all too good to be true.” I sighed.

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