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so.. this is what happened...

my mother and father talked to a lady with a really smart and nerdy son.. i love and wish i was a nerd so, im not trying to offend anyone... anywho, what happened is that they found out he got a 30 on his ACT... a test you need to take to get into college, if you didnt know... but anywho. i got a 22. 

since i am an asian, and i have an asian family, they want me to do better... so now i have to prep for the ACT instead of writing, 

also... i recently lost my iphone. yup. left it on the bus after a dance competition. they told me they couldnt find it but i know they're lying to me. assholes... i hope who ever has it has a slow and painful death. jk. im not that mean, but i hope he learns his lesson. so i dont have a quick and easy access to continue writing in my notes,....

i also have college to prepare for which i am failing at considering i need to get my game on... its so bad, its not even funny... i wont be able to update as often as i use to... but i swear, whenever i get time. i am sitting and writing the next part.

so my point... sorry if you hate me for failing in life. sorry the bus driver just decides to lie and take my phone... i will update, but not as often. if you want to hate anyone, hate that lady and her son for being so good and rubbing it in my parents face, my parents for taking it too seriously, that bus driver for lying and taking my phone, my parents for not getting me a new phone, and me, for being irresponsible and losing my phone, dumb and not getting a good score on the ACT, and many many other things... 

i hope, this explains my absence, i do apologize to you all... whoever reads this story, 

i know i am disappointing you, or maybe im not. im not sure. but it will get better... i hope. especially in 2 weeks when winter break starts and i have 2 weeks off from school.... yeah!!! so yup...

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