The Big News

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Ok I just wanna say that the Amy I wrote about in the last chapter is not Amy Green. I didn’t even know about her til after I wrote this chapter, so it feels like I'm kinda psychic, but idk. I made her up as well her name. I know I’m really cool. Well enjoy the next chapter!!!

“Can we call it a day now?” Dani whines to El.

“Fine I guess so.” She shrugs.

We have been shopping the whole day without stopping except when we went to the restaurant. Dani and I wanted to leave, but El insisted she needed a new summer dress.

“Thank god.” I slump on Dani, unable to hold myself up.

“My feet are killing me.” Dani holds onto me as well.

“Sorry, but I really needed a new dress.” El rolls her eyes at us.

“Don’t you have enough?” I ask her.

“Yes, but I want a new one for when we go…” she stops herself nervously, eyeing Dani.

“For when you go where?” I stand up straight looking at them both.

“Oh, um, no where, just when we go wherever.” She says quickly, too quick.

“Mmhhmm, tell me another lie while you’re at it.” I glare.

“It’s no where special.” Dani answers for El.

“Yup.” El gives me a smile, but I don’t buy it.

“Well, that’s the end of this friendship.” I say sarcastically, but with a bit of seriousness.

“No.” they both say.

“Tell me then.” I pout. I felt like they were already keeping secrets from me. I mean I know I didn’t know them for that long, but I thought I was close enough to them to the point where they wouldn’t lie to me or keep secrets.

“We really can’t.” El shook her head.

“Yeah, its not ours to tell.” Dani looked down in a disappointing kind of way.

“Who can then?” I ask, now a bit mad.

“Well, umm.” El looked at Dani as if to ask her if she could tell.

Dani nods, telling El to go on.

“It’s Harry.” El says like she’s scared.

“Harry’s hiding something from me?” I asked concerned.

“It’s not bad. Honest.” Dani reassures me.

“Is he cheating on me?” I look from Dani to El.

“No of course not.” El laughs.

“Then?” I wait.

“Dana, it’s nothing to worry about, but it’s kind of a big deal.” Dani holds my hand with hers.

“Is something bad gonna happen?” I say almost to tears.

“No, babe, of course not. It’s just.” El pauses. “He should explain.”

“If he’s ending it with me, then just tell me now, so I can prepare for it.” I look down.

“He would never do such a thing, we wouldn’t let him.” Dani smiles half-heartedly.

“I’m going home.” I turn around. “I’ll see you guys soon.” I walk away.

I know I shouldn’t be mad. I know Harry has things he can keep to himself. But what bothers me is that El and Dani knows and I don’t. They said it was a big deal. If it was so big, then why hasn’t Harry told me yet? I felt like I was left out.

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