Can This Be True

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I stared into Zayn’s eyes intensely. What was he about to do? Why won’t he stop? Why is he so serious?

He was to the point where his forehead was touching mine. He slowly closed his eyes and leaned in.

I pushed him, not too hard, and he fell on his back still on the bed. I got up and jumped off the bed. I didn’t dare make and eye contact with him. I was a couple feet away from the door when Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled on my hand. I fell into his chest. My hands were stuck between mine and Zayn’s chest. His hands slowly moved from my hands, down my arms, and slid around my waist.

 He jerked me off the ground and pulled me in for a kiss. My first reaction was to push him away, but I melted into his kiss. I freed my hands from our chests and locked them around his neck still kissing.

“Zayn.” I heard Liam yell. Then I heard his footsteps.

I slowly pulled away and opened my eyes. He was staring into my eyes and I was his. A smile crept up onto our face and we released each other. I walked a few steps away from him so it didn’t look like we were doing anything.

“Zayn?” Liam yelled once again, this time he was closer.

“We’re in here.” Zayn replied. He walked over to his bed and plopped down.

I looked away and pretended to look around the table. He didn’t have much stuff for me to look at. There were a couple photos in frames of his mom and sister.

“Lunch?” Liam poked his head into the room and slowly made his way in.

“Yes please.” I basically begged.

Liam and Zayn both chuckled. “Alright. I made sandwiches. They are in the theater room. We are gonna watch a movie. Wanna come watch?” Liam looked from me to Zayn.

“I would love that.” I answered.

Liam walked out of the room. I soon followed with Zayn close behind me. I was tempted to look back at him, but kept walking.

“Finally. We were gonna start without you guys.” Louis whined.

 He was on the cushions on the floor slumber party style eating his sandwich. Niall was next to him sitting up with about four sandwiches o his plate, while Harry was sitting on the couch with a plate in his hand, facing the TV. Liam walked over and grabbed two sandwiches and sat on the floor with Louis and Niall.

Harry patted the seat next to him so I walked over, grabbed a plate and a sandwich and plopped right next to him.

“Oh boy am I starving.” I sighed.

I saw Harry roll his eyes and place them on the TV.

 Zayn walked over to the fridge and grabbed a can of coke. “Anyone want anything to drink?”

“Nah.” They all replied. I realized they all already had one.

“Bring me a coke, will yah?” I asked. I wasn’t gonna ask at first but I felt my sandwich getting stuck in my throat.

Zayn grabbed two and walked over to me. He sat next to me and handed me the coke. “For m’lady.” He said giving me a wink.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to face the TV and noticed Harry glaring at Zayn and maybe me.

“What? What happened?” I felt uneasy at Harry staring at me. It was something I wasn’t use to.

“Nothing.” He practically whispered. He faced the TV again.

“Wait.” Then it hit me. “Why were all the girls screaming and running after us?” I jumped off my seat.

All they guys stopped what they were doing and faced me. There was a silent for a second.

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